Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The Effective Provision of Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education (EPPSE) project explored the home, pre-school, primary and secondary school factors that influence, cognitive, educational and social development from birth to age 16 years. Data for this longitudinal study was collected over the period 1997 to 2013, covering children, families, pre-schools, primary and secondary schools. Data from qualitative case studies was also analysed. Further information about the project may be found on the Institute of Education Effective Provision of Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education webpages.
Main Topics:
Topics covered include: child development in terms of cognitive, educational and social development; family characteristics; pre-school characteristics; primary school characteristics; secondary school characteristics.
Multi-stage stratified random sample
Face-to-face interview
Postal survey
Educational measurements
Physical measurements