Description of situation concerning care of pregnancy, childbirth and childbed in Wageningen, the Netherlands. Diagnosis of pregnancy / supervision of pregnancy ( zwangerschapsbegeleiding ) / place of delivery / maternity home / controls of pregnancy / gymnastics course for parents / evaluation of pregnancy / childbirth / child-bed and after-care / alimentation of child / district nurses. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ education
Date Submitted: 1981-01-01
Date Submitted: 2007-06-18
Brouwer, M., Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen WUR * Wageningen, Vakgroep gezondheidsleer (primary investigator)Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen, Vakgroep Gezondheidsleer (research initiator)Brouwer, M. Vakgroep Gezondheidsleer, LUW * Wageningen (data collector)