Sea surface and the sea floor regionalization of the Southern Ocean by multivariate cluster analysis, links to ArcGIS project files


This study subdivides the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, into seafloor regions using multivariate statistical methods. These regions are categories used for comparing, contrasting and quantifying biogeochemical processes and biodiversity between ocean regions geographically but also regions under development within the scope of global change. The division obtained is characterized by the dominating components and interpreted in terms of ruling environmental conditions. The analysis uses 28 environmental variables for the sea surface, 25 variables for the seabed and 9 variables for the analysis between surface and bottom variables. The data were taken during the years 1983-2013. Some data were interpolated. The statistical errors of several interpolation methods (e.g. IDW, Indicator, Ordinary and Co-Kriging) with changing settings have been compared for the identification of the most reasonable method. The multivariate mathematical procedures used are regionalized classification via k means cluster analysis, canonical-correlation analysis and multidimensional scaling. Canonical-correlation analysis identifies the influencing factors in the different parts of the cove. Several methods for the identification of the optimum number of clusters have been tested. For the seabed 8 and 12 clusters were identified as reasonable numbers for clustering the Weddell Sea. For the sea surface the numbers 8 and 13 and for the top/bottom analysis 8 and 3 were identified, respectively. Additionally, the results of 20 clusters are presented for the three alternatives offering the first small scale environmental regionalization of the Weddell Sea. Especially the results of 12 clusters identify marine-influenced regions which can be clearly separated from those determined by the geological catchment area and the ones dominated by river discharge.

Supplement to: Jerosch, Kerstin; Pehlke, Hendrik; Weber, Lukas; Teschke, Katharina; Heidemann, Teresa; Scharf, Frauke Katharina (in prep.): Comparing the surface and the bottom of the Southern Ocean using multivariate cluster analysis: regional effects of environmental parameters.

Metadata Access
Creator Jerosch, Kerstin ORCID logo; Pehlke, Hendrik ORCID logo; Weber, Lukas; Teschke, Katharina ORCID logo; Heidemann, Teresa; Scharf, Frauke Katharina
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
Publication Year 2016
Funding Reference German Research Foundation Crossref Funder ID 5472008 Priority Programme 1158 Antarctic Research with Comparable Investigations in Arctic Sea Ice Areas
Rights Licensing unknown: Please contact principal investigator/authors to gain access and request licensing terms; Data access is restricted (moratorium, sensitive data, license constraints)
OpenAccess false
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 16 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-38.000 LON, -70.000 LAT)