Microbiome of the green seaweed Ulva (Chlorophyta)

The goal of the study is to look at how the microbiome of the green seaweed Ulva (Chlorophyta) alters in response to, for example, environmental challenges, pollution, or aquaculture.

Source https://data.blue-cloud.org/search-details?step=~012C726DF9B702F0D43F041D3E17638DEDD39E40F41
Metadata Access https://data.blue-cloud.org/api/collections/C726DF9B702F0D43F041D3E17638DEDD39E40F41
Instrument Illumina MiSeq; Sequel; ILLUMINA; PACBIO_SMRT
Publisher Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service; ELIXIR-ENA
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact blue-cloud-support(at)maris.nl
Discipline Marine Science
Spatial Coverage (-58.705W, -62.262S, -7.995E, 37.008N)
Temporal Coverage Begin 1986-01-01T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2020-02-01T00:00:00Z