Optical and hydroacoustical measurements of bubble-flow seepage offshore Oregon (~46° N) during RV FALKOR cruise FK190612


Two lander-based devices, the Bubble-Box and GasQuant-II, were used to investigate the spatial and temporal variability and total gas flow rates of a seep area offshore Oregon, United States. The Bubble-Box is a stereo camera–equipped lander that records bubbles inside a rising corridor with 80 Hz, allowing for automated image analyses of bubble size distributions and rising speeds. GasQuant is a hydroacoustic lander using a horizontally oriented multibeam swath (Imagenex DeltaT) to record the backscatter intensity of bubble streams passing the swath plain. The experimental set up at the Astoria Canyon site at a water depth of about 500m aimed at calibrating the hydroacoustic GasQuant data with the visual Bubble-Box data for a spatial and temporal flow rate quantification of the site. For about 90h in total, both systems were deployed simultaneously and pressure and temperature data were recorded using a CTD as well. The data presented here contain post-processed information collected with the two lander-based devices during the cruise FK190612 on board RV FALKOR from the Schmidt-Ocean Institute in June 2019 (https://schmidtocean.org/cruise/methane-seeps-at-edge-of-hydrate-stability/). The first dataset contains post-processed ASCII information of the optic data recorded with the Bubble-Box system during two deployments (BBM-11 and BBM-17) and includes overall results of bubble sizes, volumes, rising speeds and flow rates of the observed bubble streams. A second dataset contains the acoustic backscatter of a seep site collected with the GasQuant II system during two deployments (GQM-3 and GQM-4). Each file contains the uncalibrated backscatter averaged in time (1 minute average) of the original dataset recorded with the GasQuant II. Files are provided in the Imagenex DeltaT data output format (*.83b) and can be easily visualized and inspected using FMMidwater (QPS) .

Bubble Box: Overall results of post-processed information of optical data collected with the Bubble-Box lander at a seep area offshore Oregon during cruise FK190612. Data were processed with the Python routines created at the Deep Sea Monitoring group (GEOMAR). The files include bubble volumes, diameters, rising velocities and flow rates for each Bubble-Box measurents. Results are given for the observations of camera 1, camera 2 and the stereo matching results. For further information please contact kkoeser@geomar.de, mshe@geomar.de or jgreinert@geomar.de.Gas Quant II:Device: Imagenex DeltaT multibeamFrequency device: 260kHzSwath Opening angle: 120°N° beams: 120Beam aperture: 3° x 3°The files have been produced with specialized python tools at the Deep Sea Monitoring (GEOMAR) and contains the average hydroacoustic data (1minute average) of the *.83b files originally collected at a seep area offshore Oregon during cruise FK190612. Data can be visualized with e.g. FMMidwater (QPS). For further information please contact jgreinert@geomar.de, peter.urban@ugent.be or mveloso@geomar.de.

DOI https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.947592
Related Identifier IsSupplementTo https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.858992
Metadata Access https://ws.pangaea.de/oai/provider?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=datacite4&identifier=oai:pangaea.de:doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.947592
Creator Veloso-Alarcón, Mario Enrique ORCID logo; Urban, Peter ORCID logo; Weiß, Tim ORCID logo; Köser, Kevin; She, Mengkun; Greinert, Jens ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2022
Funding Reference National Energy Technology Laboratory https://doi.org/10.13039/100013165 Crossref Funder ID DE-FE0023495 https://netl.doe.gov/node/2163 Natural Gas Hydrates in Permafrost and Marine Settings: Resources, Properties, and Environmental Issues; Schmidt Ocean Institute https://doi.org/10.13039/100016377 Crossref Funder ID Observing Seafloor Methane Seeps at the Edge of Hydrate Stability Cruises https://schmidtocean.org/cruise/methane-seeps-at-edge-of-hydrate-stability/
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 8 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-124.654W, 46.223S, -124.654E, 46.223N); Astoria Canyon, offshore Oregon
Temporal Coverage Begin 2019-06-19T15:13:18Z
Temporal Coverage End 2019-06-30T06:42:50Z