Effect of deep seawater in the rearing of squid

As deep seawater is increasingly put to practical use in the fisheries industry, aquaculture and seedling production are taking place that take advantage of the characteristics of deep seawater. The use of deep seawater in the rearing of squid has been shown to halt their weight loss and reduce stress. RNA-seq was performed in deep ocean water and surface water to investigate the effects on gene expression.

Source https://data.blue-cloud.org/search-details?step=~012B04D27226D7095BCC432D282F4DE1B7AD454BAD9
Metadata Access https://data.blue-cloud.org/api/collections/B04D27226D7095BCC432D282F4DE1B7AD454BAD9
Instrument Illumina NovaSeq 6000; ILLUMINA
Publisher Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service; ELIXIR-ENA
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact blue-cloud-support(at)maris.nl
Discipline Marine Science
Temporal Point 2021-07-01T00:00:00Z