Analyst: Valérie AndrieuLaboratory: Palaeoenvironmental Research Unit, NUI Galway, Galway, IrelandData analysis completed: 1993Sampling in field: Date of lake coring: 1990-05-12. Length of core ca. 7-8.8 m (incl. early Holocene, LG and end of pleniglacial; bedrock reached). 7.53-8.7 m - Late-glacial (pollen) sequence. Livingstone corer; cored from a platform supported by sedge-rich vegetation where probing revealed the thickest sediments. Core taken in 1-m drives. Cored by Michael O'Connell, Karen Molloy, Aage Paus, Peter Readman, and Sjoerd Bohncke and students from Free University of Amsterdam; part of EU-funded Late-glacial project (joint NUIG/FU project) in Ireland. Sampling density: generally every 2 cm; some continuous sampling. Sample size 2 cm3; 1 cm3 from 738 cm and above. Note: sample thickness: 0.5 cm (sampling devise by A. Paus used); 4 subsamples to make up 2 cm3.Pollen preparation: Lycopodium spore suspension of know concentration added; acetolysis, mounted in glycerine. Pollen nomenclature generally follows Moore et al. 1991. Myrica distinguished from Corylus; occasional Myrica recorded. Charcoal particles ≥37 µm counted during routine pollen counting. There is the Holocene profile NMK I from nearby (probably within a few m) in the same basin (analysed in 1980s) (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.895299).