Replication Data for: Stable and Mass-Conserving High-Dimensional Simulations with the Sparse Grid Combination Technique for Full HPC Systems and Beyond


These are input, processing, and output files for experiments that were performed exclusively for my dissertation "Stable and mass-conserving high-dimensional simulations with the sparse grid combination technique for full HPC systems and beyond". More structure can be seen when switching to "Tree" view.

Other data repositories are referenced directly from the publication.

To install DisCoTec, the spack package is recommended. See the DisCoTec github repository for reference.

The files starting with generate_ can be used to generate a simulation folder for a DisCoTec experiment (and if the submit command is uncommented, the experiment is submitted to the batch queue). For this to work, the accompanying files (ctparam, scheme_39.25_GiB.json, submit_*.sh,system_parameters_*.sh) will have to be in the same folder as the generate script. You will need to adapt the script as well as the submit and system_parameter_$.sh files to match your system / credentials / file paths.

Once the experiments have run, the timings will be written as json files in each experiment folder. They can be extracted using, which in turn calls

The outputs I generated are the compressed experiment folders (ending in .tar.gz, and the csv files containing the time measurements as referenced in the thesis.

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Pollinger, Theresa ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Pollinger, Theresa
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference DFG 214420555 ; Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SimTech) ; NHR@FAU a105cb ; Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. WideDisCoTec ; Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. WideDisCoTecLRZ ; Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. widediscotecjsc
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Pollinger, Theresa (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/x-python; text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; application/gzip; text/csv; application/x-sh; application/x-h5; application/json; application/octet-stream
Size 2647; 210; 379; 331; 1591772; 2157951; 11656; 22217; 36158092; 47576503; 5003; 3048; 5075; 3108; 5113; 15064; 22366; 222298757; 192495611; 4802432; 13382; 19865; 36141087; 37430021; 15216; 25680; 150950446; 187554209; 508; 517; 42031; 868224; 4070756; 2232576; 4072022; 5705472; 4073288; 14492160; 4074554; 36591616; 4075820; 91852800; 4077086; 229258240; 4078352; 549621760; 4080298; 1314308096; 4082244; 3134881792; 4084190; 710737920; 4576628; 880680; 1688; 1091; 1206; 1378; 1360; 1832; 1829; 1866; 288; 380; 377; 290; 305; 294; 310; 5204479; 16822334
Version 1.0
Discipline Computer Science; Computer Science, Electrical and System Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Natural Sciences; Physics