Concessive constructions in varieties of English: Corpus data


The data were used in a corpus-based study that investigates the variation of concessive constructions across nine varieties of English. Concessive constructions are here taken to consist of a subordinate clause linked to a matrix clause using one of the three subordinating conjunctions 'although', 'though' or 'even though'. For each occurrence, the data contain information concerning its semantic properties, the position of the subordinate clause, the conjunction that was used, the finite or nonfinite status of the subordinate clause as well as its length. Further, each token is annotated for variety, mode of production (spoken vs. written) and genre (or text type). It is also possible to model the text frequencies of conjunctions and semantic subtypes, since in the respective data tables counts are given for each text in the corpora, along with the total word count per text.

AntConc, 3.5.7

R, 3.6.2

RStudio, 1.2.5033

R package 'brms', 3.6.2

R package 'rstan', 2.19.3

R package 'StanHeaders', 2.21.0-1

R package 'lattice', 0.20-38

R-package 'latticeExtra', 0.6-29 [ICE-website at the University of Zurich]

Kirk, John & Gerald Nelson. 2018. The International Corpus of English project: A progress report. World Englishes 34(4): 697–716.

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Metadata Access
Creator Schützler, Ole ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Schützler, Ole; University of Bamberg; Vetter, Fabian; The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing)
Publication Year 2021
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Schützler, Ole (University of Bamberg)
Resource Type Corpus data; Dataset
Format text/plain; application/pdf; text/tab-separated-values
Size 13505; 309881; 750337; 1002517; 314683
Version 1.1
Discipline Humanities; Linguistics