3D Photogrammetric-Data for WZ05-09


Research data (.las, .ply and *.obj format) which was obtained by Photogrammetric/Computer Vision 3D digitization as well as original images which were the base for the 3D reconstruction process. Explanation about the 3D data format: Las (Is the normal data format for laser scanned point cloud data and also for photogrammetric 3D model.) Ply or Ply + jpg (The software RealityCapture encoded texture mesh in a single ply file while the software Agisoft metashape exported textured mesh in ply format + .jpg.) Obj + mtl + jpg (Obj stores a texture mesh together with mtl and jpg file. Obj file contains information of geometric vertices, texture vertices, vertex normal, polygon face element etc. The Mtl file defines the texture information of the faces. Mtl normally refers to a jpg for storing the actual texture.) Explanation about the mask image (if available): To avoid lots of background information in the 3D reconstruction process, well-aligned images to generate a rough model were applied. Afterwards a mask for each image could be calculated according to the 3D model. In the next step, original images together with the corresponding masks are applied to implement the reconstruction, which is free from the influence of the background information. This dataset is part of the digital gyroscope collection. For more information about the collection and its creation, please see the documentation dataset: Niklaus, Maria, 2021, "Information about the Gyrolog data repository", doi: 10.18419/darus-821, DaRUS.To refer to the whole collection: Wagner, Jörg F.; Ceranski, Beate; Fritsch, Dieter; Mammadov, Gasim; Niklaus, Maria; Schweizer, Timo; Simon, Sven; Zhan, Kun, 2021, "Digital Gyroscope Collection Created by the Project 'Gyrolog'", doi: 10.18419/darus-gyrolog, DaRUS.

DOI https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-1390
Metadata Access https://darus.uni-stuttgart.de/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.18419/darus-1390
Creator Zhan, Kun ORCID logo; Niklaus, Maria ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Wagner, Jörg F.; Ceranski, Beate; Fritsch, Dieter; Mammadov, Gasim; Schweizer, Timo; Simon, Sven
Publication Year 2021
Funding Reference BMBF 01UG1774X
Rights CC BY-SA 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0
OpenAccess true
Contact Wagner, Jörg F. (Universität Stuttgart, PAS)
Resource Type Dataset
Format image/png; application/octet-stream; application/x-tgif; image/jpeg; text/x-fixed-field; text/plain
Size 26105740; 18642917; 36489394; 51309; 60408; 53813; 47340; 43543670; 25686125; 25986846; 36656484; 51068; 58268; 53881; 46366; 43347296; 25499185; 26200416; 37071646; 52181; 59201; 53955; 46537; 43438283; 25205549; 25812529; 37442315; 53218; 62124; 54631; 46513; 43712994; 24823325; 26051186; 38150641; 53727; 64250; 56683; 46450; 43387737; 24063757; 26139666; 38584429; 53560; 67028; 57843; 46751; 43484825; 24782648; 26335341; 38535279; 53099; 67414; 59000; 47030; 43516962; 24972707; 26287386; 38524525; 52796; 67573; 59459; 48396; 43853421; 24008738; 25874599; 38623373; 52084; 69095; 59974; 46992; 43627964; 24418268; 25465729; 38631052; 51554; 68638; 60083; 49213; 44136692; 23912240; 24861306; 38507713; 51336; 68627; 60101; 48712; 43898842; 24192563; 24538309; 38194984; 51328; 68785; 59780; 47038; 43745381; 24125373; 24718055; 37174800; 51853; 68525; 58546; 48754; 44259859; 23426127; 24720037; 36992715; 52890; 68999; 58321; 48537; 44054945; 23826337; 19388127; 36602555; 53939; 68260; 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15980460; 8441094; 5940632; 16103945; 4209; 5673; 48019497; 183; 636587747; 1814; 241032453; 5922931
Version 1.0
Discipline Computer Science, Electrical and System Engineering; Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; History; History of Science; Humanities; Measurement Systems; Mechanical and industrial Engineering; Mechanics; Mechanics and Constructive Mechanical Engineering; Systems Engineering