Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to collect data about perceptions of the income distribution and rate of occupational mobility; also to ascertain the respondent's satisfaction with his own social position and his attitude to equality of income, influence and esteem between managers and workers.
Main Topics:
Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Type of television programme/newsreaders most liked, opinion on amount of sport on television, satisfaction with BBC. Opinion on immigration control, immigration of relatives and dependents, financial aid for repatriation. Respondent's reaction to coloured neighbours. Opinion on rates of pay/status for a variety of jobs. Satisfaction with personal influence, opinion of influence of various socio-economic groups. Opinion on relative importance of social background, education and individual ability in determining mobility. Attitude to Britain becoming a more equal society. Social group with whom respondent identifies. Whether respondent feels closer to Conservative or Labour party. Whether respondent was a `thinker' or a 'doer'. Attendance at political meetings during General Election campaign. Change in financial position over last few years and future expectations. Satisfaction with status and income of present occupation. Background Variables Age finished full-time education, type of people in neighbourhood, occupation (whether manual or white collar), weekly income.
125 constituencies selected with probability proportional to population size. Respondents were selected systematically from electoral register
Postal survey