The database contains data on committed crimes in 's-Hertogenbosch and Meierij from 1550-1803. Extracts have been made of criminal records from the archive of the 'Bossche Schepenbank', a part of the collection of the Judicial Archive. The criminal documents vary from notes to more extensive information on crime in 's-Hertogenbosch and the Meijerij. Personal data on the prisoner such as name, occupation(s), religion, age, etc. are included. Extensive data on the committed crime, sentence and punishment are also included. The interrogations give insight in urban and rural society of 's Hertogenbosch and surroundings in the pre-industrial era. The user of this dataset has to inform the access authority when using the data and in case of publication there has to be send a copy of his or her publication to the archive. The database is accessible at the study room of the Municipal Archives of 's-Hertogenbosch. A print-out is available on recordnumber as well as a print of the index.