Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nederland, 2000 - SOCON 2000


Social relevance of Christian religion in the Netherlands.Social characteristics / intimate relationships / division of care and household work / education / employment / social integration / intra-generational occupational mobility / intergenerational educational and occupational mobility / educational and occupational homogamy / traditional achievement values / traditional family values / social criticism / hedonistic values / r.' s past and present church membership / r'.s past and present church attendance / r'.s religious upbringing / membership non-Christian religious group / parents' past and present church membership / partners past and present church membership / past and present church membership of best friends and family / Christian, transcendental and world-directed interpretation and denial existence ultimate reality Christian and world-directed interpretation and denial of meaning of life, suffering and death / Christian and world-directed interpretation of good and evil / salience of religion and world view / religious surroundings / anthropomorphic and non-anthropomorphic images of God, theism, and individual, social and cosmic panentheism / external, internal and quest religious orientation / religious and mystic experiences and prayer / economic and cultural conservatism / political party preference, (post)materialism, political orientation, interest in politics / legitimacy of government decisions / primary relationship / attitudes towards homosexuality / attitude towards ethnic minorities / subjectively perceived threat / ethnic distance / ethnic discrimination / authoritarianism / anomie / utilitarian individualism / social trust individual and group deprivation / policy matters with regard to ethnic minorities / exposure to ethnic minorities / received and given help behaviour / financial help behaviour / pro-social orientation / attitude towards relationship men and nature / interaction with nature / proximity of nature / action willingness for nature / physical and mental illness / perception of chronic stress / acute negative life-events / stressful events during childhood and adolescence / physical family history mental health / social functioning.The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files.

Documentation of a national survey on social cohesion and modernization in the Netherlands.These surveys builds on earlier waves of the Religion in Dutch society survey, which have been conducted in the winters of 1979/1980, 1985/1986, 1990/1991, 1995/1996, 2000/2001, 2005/2006, 2011/2012, and the Social and Cultural Developments in the Netherlands survey 2017, 2018 and 2019.They are part of a long-standing research program, aimed at longitudinal research with a strong (a) substantial multi-disciplinary focus on religiosity, values, in-group solidarity and out-group derogation as well as a strong (b) methodological focus on high quality data, valid measurements and innovative data-collection designs.

Metadata Access
Creator R.N. Eisinga; M.T.A. Coenders; A.J.A. Felling; M. te Grotenhuis; S. Oomens; P.L.H. Scheepers
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor Data Station Admin
Publication Year 2012
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact Data Station Admin (DANS)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/xml; application/zip; text/x-fixed-field; text/x-c; application/octet-stream; application/pdf; application/x-spss-sav; application/x-spss-syntax; text/tab-separated-values
Size 2925; 31174; 6022800; 351019; 763110; 37652; 1292131; 2051498; 91742; 1647231
Version 3.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences