Proper motions with an 80 year baseline have been determined relative to reference stars with B=13.9mag. determined for 3086 stars brighter than B=15.5mag. within an area of 50' radius, centered at RA=2h16.9m, Dec=+57{deg}01' (1950.0). Two pairs of Tashkent normal astrograph plates with a mean epoch difference of 80 years was used. Proper motions were also measured for 1055 stars with 15.5 <= B <= 17.1 mag. in two areas 14' in radius, centered on the h and {chi} Persei clusters. Proper motions are also given for 1386 stars in an adjacent area (RA=2h06.7m, Dec=+56{deg}57') for 1386 stars with a 38 year baseline. The mean errors of the proper motions are equal in right ascension and declination. For the h and {chi} Perseus region, they are 0.0021"/yr and for the adjacent region, they are 0.0031"/yr. The proper motions in the adjacent area have been reduced to the system of those in the cluster region using 214 stars in common. UBV magnitudes of the stars were determined using plates taken with the 80/120/240 Schmidt telescope of the Radioastrophysical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR and photoelectric standards published by Johnson and Morgan (1955ApJ...122..429J) and Widley (1964ApJS....8..439W). The number of measured plates and the corresponding errors are given in the following table: ----------------------------------------------------- FILE NAME # PLATES ERRORS (0.01mag) V B U V B U ----------------------------------------------------- data1.dat 2 3 2 6 5 6 data2.dat 1 2 - 8 6 - adjarea.dat 2 2 2 6 6 6 ___________ Cluster members were selected on the basis of their proper motion and photometric criteria. The membership probability was calculated on the assumption of a normal distribution of the proper motions around the cluster proper motion.
Cone search capability for table V/27/central (Central part of the cluster (merging of bright (B15.5) parts))
Cone search capability for table V/27/adjarea (Adjacent Area)