Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The purpose of this collection is to provide researchers with historical time series data on mortality. It contains counts for 119 causes of death, by gender and 5-year age groups. Companion population estimates by gender and 5-year age groups are also also included, enabling the user to calculate their own indicators, rates and ratios. Explanatory text files and accessible look-up tables, linking county districts to the ONS area classification, Government Office Regions, Counties and Personal Social Services Areas, are also provided. The data are available in both database format (.DBF) and SPSS portable files. Some teaching materials using these data were developed under the Teaching Resources and Materials for Social Scientists (TRAMSS) project.
Main Topics:
Mortality by cause; population.
No sampling (total universe)
Compilation or synthesis of existing material
Data collected by registrars and sent to the Registrar General. Diagnosis of cause made by doctor (MD). Extraction from ONS individual records and aggregation to desired groupings.