This dataset represents synthetic data derived from anonymized Norwegian Registry Data of pa aged 65 and above from 2011 to 2013. It includes the Norwegian Patient Registry (NPR), which contains hospitalization details, and the Norwegian Prescription Database (NorPD), which contains prescription details. The NPR and NorPD datasets are combined into a single CSV file. This real dataset was part of a project to study medication use in the elderly and its association with hospitalization. The project has ethical approval from the Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics in Norway (REK-Nord number: 2014/2182). The dataset was anonymized to ensure that the synthetic version could not reasonably be identical to any real-life individuals. The anonymization process was done as follows: first, only relevant information was kept from the original data set. Second, individuals' birth year and gender were replaced with randomly generated values within a plausible range of values. And last, all dates were replaced with randomly generated dates. This dataset was sufficiently scrambled to generate a synthetic dataset and was only used for the current study. The dataset has details related to Patient, Prescriber, Hospitalization, Diagnosis, Location, Medications, Prescriptions, and Prescriptions dispatched. A publication using this data to create a machine learning model for predicting hospitalization risk is under review.