People tend to expect their future to go well. But does this extend to politics, where optimism may come less naturally? And are political expectations driven more by this optimism, the general belief that good things will happen, or by hope, a more active belief that good things can be achieved? We assess pre-registered hypotheses about the distinct influences of hope and optimism on two familiar types of beliefs about the political future – prospective evaluations and electoral expectations – in a representative-sample survey experiment in the UK (N = 1,697). The results suggest that optimism drives positive prospective evaluations but, when it comes to electoral expectations, it is hope that dominates. Indeed, partisan bias in expectations is shown only by those scoring higher on dispositional hope. We show experimentally that positive information from polls and expert commentary dampens the impact of dispositional hope by raising the expectations of the unhopeful. More hopeful supporters of the leading party are already upbeat about their party’s prospects but less hopeful supporters need some persuading. Overall, our findings highlight that different types of expectations may have distinct psychological drivers, with theoretical implications for positive, social, and cognitive psychology as well as political science.Speaking at the 2020 Democratic Convention, then presidential hopeful Joe Biden described the upcoming election as 'a life-changing election that will determine America's future for a very long time'. In representative democracies, citizens are regularly confronted with such moments of choice, tasked with understanding the potential future paths that politics could take and then choosing which road to go down. The obvious question this raises is one that political psychology has yet to answer: how do people think about the political future? This question matters because the future guides what we do right now, in the present, in our personal as well as our political lives. My long-term goal is to become an internationally recognised authority in political psychology by tackling this question. I have begun to establish a research track record in this area in my ESRC-funded PhD research and in my postdoctoral research at the University of Exeter. The next step is to consolidate my early progress and initiate a broader, even more impactful programme of research. The purpose of the SeNSS Postdoctoral Fellowship, then, is twofold. First, the fellowship will be an invaluable resource in enabling me to develop my proposed programme of work and prepare grant applications for a project on the political psychology of the future. The goal is to give political scientists a whole new way to understand how people think about the future and how these expectations affect politics - to generate a new, interdisciplinary model of the nature, origins, and effects of beliefs about the political future. Exploring the implications of this model will involve introducing new methods to political science, drawing on innovations made in other fields. To support this agenda, I will produce competitive bids for major early career awards such as the ESRC New Investigator grant. Second, I will use the fellowship to produce immediate impacts, firmly establishing my credentials to lead a large-scale project of this kind. My PhD examiners noted that my doctoral research could be published in prestigious journals if supplemented with minimal additional analyses. In my postdoctoral work, I have also conducted substantial data collection for collaborative projects. The fellowship will allow me both to prepare my own solo-authored papers for submission to journals - including collecting some additional data - and to continue submitting collaborative work with my Exeter colleagues. Concretely, I envisage publishing two independent peer-reviewed journal articles and a minimum of three collaborative articles during the fellowship. To maximise the impact potential of these contributions, I will seek out opportunities for dissemination and knowledge exchange. As well as attending academic conferences, this will involve pitching articles to outlets such as The Conversation. My mentors and I will collaborate with the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex and the Democracy and Elections Centre at Royal Holloway University of London to organise a public panel event, with speakers including academics, industry stakeholders, and politicians, on a topic that is central to my research. My emphasis on such knowledge exchange serves my long-term goals of encouraging people to engage more critically with how they make their political decisions, informing political strategy, and fostering responsible reporting of opinion polls by research firms and journalists. Finally, I will pursue an ongoing programme of training. Alongside courses in quantitative and computational methods, attending writing workshops and holding regular writing feedback sessions with my mentor will support my goals of successfully communicating my research to wider audiences and of preparing competitive grant bids.
Survey designed in Qualtrics and fielded to 'nationally representative' sample on Prolific.