Considering interesting physical properties observed in CeCuxAl4-x our aim is to investigate the stability of vibron excitations, already observed in CeCuAl3, as a function of Cu/Al compositions in these alloys. We therefore propose the study of CEF or vibron excitations along the series CeCuxAl4-x (0.7-1.1), where we expect to investigate two main aspects. The first one is related with electron-phonon its self, how the magnetoelastic coupling changes with Cu/Al doping and special effect on orthorhombic phonon modes which are responsible for the vibron in CeCuAl3. The second one is related with the origin of ground-state along the series, from a 3D-AFM (with +-1/2>) in CeCuAl3 to a 3D-FM (with +-3/2) for x=0.7. We will also investigate the Kondo temperature (TK) along the series from the analysis of the quasielastic linewidth and to our knowledge, TK has never been determined.