Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to probe subjective indicators of social life in various aspects - housing, health, education, job, standard of living, district, democratic processes and leisure.
Main Topics:
Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Tenure and length of residence, satisfaction rating with residence, things liked least/best about residence, rating of special attachment to district, satisfactory/unsatisfactory aspects of district, rating of efficiency of local councillors. Satisfaction with: level of democracy in Britain, being a housewife, own job, own education, general state of health, general financial situation, leisure activities, family life/marriage, friendships, children's education, police and courts, welfare services, local authority services, local district amenities, life in general. Assessment of change in standard of living, extra money needed per week, opinion about what makes a happy/unhappy marriage. Respondents asked to agree/disagree with a number of statements about their job. Worries/illness/longstanding complaints of disabilities. Religion, importance of religious beliefs. Three most/least important things in life. Respondents asked to agree/disagree with a number of statements about anomie/morale and values. Respondents asked to rate their present life along a number of axes. Background Variables Age, sex, marital status, social grade, age finished full-time education, employment status, length of service, type of job, pay rise in last year. Household composition, total household income. Daily newspaper read regularly. Ownership of car, telephone, colour TV, garden, cheque book, stocks and shares. Holiday away from home last year (whether abroad).
Quota, seven conurbations and Cardiff. Random, local authority areas-constituencies. Quota set by age, sex and class
Face-to-face interview