ApHIN - Autoencoder-based port-Hamiltonian Identification Networks (Software Package)


Software package for data-driven identification of latent port-Hamiltonian systems.


Conventional physics-based modeling techniques involve high effort, e.g.~time and expert knowledge, while data-driven methods often lack interpretability, structure, and sometimes reliability. To mitigate this, we present a data-driven system identification framework that derives models in the port-Hamiltonian (pH) formulation. This formulation is suitable for multi-physical systems while guaranteeing the useful system theoretical properties of passivity and stability.

Our framework combines linear and nonlinear reduction with structured, physics-motivated system identification. In this process, high-dimensional state data obtained from possibly nonlinear systems serves as the input for an autoencoder, which then performs two tasks: (i) nonlinearly transforming and (ii) reducing this data onto a low-dimensional manifold. In the resulting latent space, a pH system is identified by considering the unknown matrix entries as weights of a neural network. The matrices strongly satisfy the pH matrix properties through Cholesky factorizations. In a joint optimization process over the loss term, the pH matrices are adjusted to match the dynamics observed by the data, while defining a linear pH system in the latent space per construction. The learned, low-dimensional pH system can describe even nonlinear systems and is rapidly computable due to its small size.

The method is exemplified by a parametric mass-spring-damper and a nonlinear pendulum example as well as the high-dimensional model of a disc brake with linear thermoelastic behavior


This package implements neural networks that identify linear port-Hamiltonian systems from (potentially high-dimensional) data [1].

Autoencoders (AEs) for dimensionality reduction pH layer to identify system matrices that fullfill the definition of a linear pH system pHIN: identify a (parametric) low-dimensional port-Hamiltonian system directly ApHIN: identify a (parametric) low-dimensional latent port-Hamiltonian system based on coordinate representations found using an autoencoder Examples for the identification of linear pH systems from data

One-dimensional mass-spring-damper chain Pendulum discbrake model

See documentation for more details.

DOI https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-4446
Metadata Access https://darus.uni-stuttgart.de/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.18419/DARUS-4446
Creator Kneifl, Jonas ORCID logo; Rettberg, Johannes ORCID logo; Herb, Julius ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Kneifl, Jonas; Fehr, Jörg
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference DFG EXC 2075 - 390740016 ; Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg Artificial Intelligence Software Academy (AISA) ; Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg InnovationsCampus Future Mobility
Rights MIT License; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT.html
OpenAccess true
Contact Kneifl, Jonas (Universität Stuttgart); Fehr, Jörg (University of Stuttgart)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 172240
Version 1.0
Discipline Computer Science; Computer Science, Electrical and System Engineering; Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Natural Sciences; Physics