Worldwide list of seaports, version 2021


World list of seaports. In its 2021 version, the repository includes 13709 ports for 187 countries. The list of seaports has been drawn up on the basis of the information available in the European reference system of places used in the framework of the Common Fisheries Policy and, more particularly, by the Electronic Recording and Reporting System (ERS), the list of ports identified by the UNECE (2021-1). An assessment of the infrastructures present along the coastline made it possible to identify other ports that were not listed. Each geographical position has been verified with Google Earth in WGS84. Each port is associated with information relating to the country (ISO 3 coding), the UNECE or ERS 5-character coding, the name, the geographical position in WGS84 (latitude and longitude), the status of the port indicating whether it is referenced by Unece (UNECE), by the EU/ERS (ERS) or by both (UNECE/ERS) In case the port is not referenced by UNECE or ERS, the status is N/A. For French ports, the reference system integrates the ports of the French overseas departments and territories with the national codification. Inland ports have also been integrated in 2021.

World list of seaports. In its 2021 version, the repository includes 13709 ports for 187 countries. The list of seaports has been drawn up on the basis of the information available in the European reference system of places used in the framework of the Common Fisheries Policy and, more particularly, by the Electronic Recording and Reporting System (ERS), the list of ports identified by the UNECE (2021-1). An assessment of the infrastructures present along the coastline made it possible to identify other ports that were not listed. Each geographical position has been verified with Google Earth in WGS84. Each port is associated with information relating to the country (ISO 3 coding), the UNECE or ERS 5-character coding, the name, the geographical position in WGS84 (latitude and longitude), the status of the port indicating whether it is referenced by Unece (UNECE), by the EU/ERS (ERS) or by both (UNECE/ERS) In case the port is not referenced by UNECE or ERS, the status is N/A. For French ports, the reference system integrates the ports of the French overseas departments and territories with the national codification. Inland ports have also been integrated in 2021.

Liste mondiale des ports maritimes. Dans sa version 2021, le référentiel regroupe 13709 ports pour 187 pays. La liste des ports maritimes a été établie à partir des informations disponibles dans le référentiel européen des lieux utilisés dans le cadre de la Politique Commune des Pêches et plus particulièrement par le système ERS (Electronic recording and reporting system - ERS), de la liste des ports identifiés par l'UNECE (2021-1). Une expertise des infrastructures présentes le long du littoral a permis d'identifier d'autres ports non référencés. Chaque position géographique a fait l'objet d'une vérification sous Google Earth en WGS84. A chaque port sont associées les informations relatives au pays (codification ISO 3), à la codification UNECE ou ERS sur 5 caractères, au nom, à la position géographique en wgs84 (latitude et longitude), au statut du port indiquant s'il est référencé par l'Unece (UNECE), par l'UE/ERS (ERS) ou par les deux (UNECE/ERS). Dans le cas où le port n’est pas référencé par l’UNECE ou l’ERS, le statut est N/A. Pour les ports français, le référentiel intègre les ports des départements et territoires d'Outremer avec la codification nationale. Les ports intérieurs ont également été intégrés en 2021.

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Metadata Access
Creator Claude Merrien
Publisher IFREMER
Contributor Claude Merrien, IFREMER Lorient Claude Merrien, IFREMER Lorient
Publication Year 2018
Rights Données sous Licence Creative Commons - Attribution + Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale + Partage dans les mêmes conditions (BY-NC-SA) :
OpenAccess true
Discipline Oceanography/Marine Science
Spatial Coverage (-178.160W, -49.352S, 166.433E, 71.112N)