This dataset contains water velocity profile measurements collected in the Slétta transect north of Iceland, during 9 cruises ranging from 2009 to 2018: RV Bjarni Saemundsson B10/2009, B1/2011, B2/2012, B1/2013, B7/2015, and B11/2017; RV Håkon Mosby HM201618, RV Kristine Bonnevie KB2018614 and Knorr KN203-2 (2011).Velocities were measured using an upward- and downward-facing lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler (LADCP) system mounted on the rosette. The LADCP data were processed using the LADCP Processing Software Package from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (Thurnherr 2010, 2018). Following the processing, the barotropic tides were removed from the velocity data set by applying an updated version of the regional tidal model of Egbert and Erofeeva (2002), which has a resolution of 1/60°.