These data were produced in two experimental studies. The first experiment was conducted on September 22, 2018. Over a five-week period, mussel shell-length (mm d-1), mass, and tissue dry weight growth (both mg d-1) were assessed in response to twelve temperature scenarios composed of constant versus daily fluctuating regimes using Kiel Indoor Benthocosms (KIBs). In the second experiment, started on November 20, 2018, filtration (feeding) and respiration rates of different mussel individuals were recorded in seven temporally repeated trials of one-day thermal fluctuations using the Fluorometer and Oximeter-equipped Flow-through Setup (FOFS; Vajedsamiei et al., 2021).
The Longterm_experiment_data_deposit.xlsx file has three sheets including treatment and growth, temperature, and food concentration data from the long-term (five-week) experiment. The measured variables include shell length (mm), mass, and tissue dry weight (mg). The response variables are growth traits (mm or mg per day) and predictor variables are mean temperature, Fluctuation scenario, and group. More details on the description of the experimental method and variables can be found in the paper.The Shortterm_experiment_data_deposit.xlsx file includes measured and response variable data of the short-term (one-day) assay. The approach for acquiring data, associated measurement corrections and calculations of response variables, and the parameter names, prefixes and suffices are described in the method paper.