2018 Australia fish microbiome study

Atl salmon study ABSTRACT Successful rearing of fish in hatcheries is critical for conservation, recreational fishing, and commercial fishing through wild stock enhancements, and aquaculture production. Flow through (FT) hatcheries require more water than Recirculating-Aquaculture-Systems (RAS) which enable up to 99% of water to be recycled thus significantly reducing environmental impacts. Here, we evaluated the biological and physical microbiome interactions of the built environment of a hatchery from three Atl salmon hatcheries (RAS n=2, FT n=1). Six juvenile fish were sampled from tanks in each of the hatcheries (60 fish across 10 tanks). Water and tank side biofilm samples were collected from each of the tanks along with three salmon body sites (gill, skin, and digesta) to assess mucosal microbiota using 16S rRNA sequencing. The water and tank biofilm had more microbial richness than fish mucus while skin and digesta from RAS fish had 2x the richness of FT fish. Body sites each had unique microbiomes (P&lt 0.001) and were influenced by hatchery systems (P&lt 0.001) with RAS systems more similar. Water and especially tank biofilm richness was positively correlated with skin and digesta richness. Strikingly, the gill, skin and digesta communities were more similar to the origin tank biofilm vs. all other experimental tanks suggesting that the tank biofilm has a direct influence on fish-associated microbial communities. Lastly, microbial diversity was positively associated with fish growth and immune proliferation. The results from this study provide evidence for a link between the tank microbiome and the fish microbiome with the skin microbiome as an important intermediate. IMPORTANCE: Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, is the most farmed marine fish worldwide with an annual production of 2,248 million metric tonnes in 2016. Salmon hatcheries are increasingly changing from flow through towards RAS design to accommodate more control over production along with improved environmental sustainability due to lower impacts on water consumption. To date, microbiome studies on hatcheries have focused either on the fish mucosal microbiota or the built environment microbiota, but have not combined the two to understand interactions. Our study evaluates how water and tank biofilm microbiota influences fish microbiota across three mucosal environments (gill, skin, and digesta). Results from this study highlight how the built environment is a unique source of microbes to colonize fish mucus and furthermore how this can influence the fish health. Further studies can use this knowledge to engineer built environments to modulate fish microbiota for a beneficial phenotype.Southern Bluefin Tuna study: "The Southern Bluefin Tuna Mucosal Microbiome Is Influenced by Husbandry Method, Net Pen Location, and Anti-parasite Treatment" ABSTRACT Aquaculture is the fastest growing primary industry worldwide. Marine finfish culture in open ocean net pens, or pontoons, is one of the largest growth areas and is currently the only way to rear high value fish such as bluefin tuna. Ranching involves catching wild juveniles, stocking in floating net pens and fattening for 4 to 8 months. Tuna experience several parasite-induced disease challenges in culture that can be mitigated by application of praziquantel (PZQ) as a therapeutic. In this study, we characterized the microbiome of ranched southern Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus maccoyii, across four anatomic sites (gill, skin, digesta, and anterior kidney) and evaluated environmental and pathological factors that influence microbiome composition, including the impact of PZQ treatment on microbiome stability. Southern bluefin tuna gill, skin, and digesta microbiome communities are unique and potentially influenced by husbandry practices, location of pontoon growout pens, and treatment with the antiparasitic PZQ. There was no significant relationship between the fish mucosal microbiome and incidence or abundance of adult blood fluke in the heart or fluke egg density in the gill. An enhanced understanding of microbiome diversity and function in high-value farmed fish species such as bluefin tuna is needed to optimize fish health and improve aquaculture yield. Comparison of the bluefin tuna microbiome to other fish species, including Seriola lalandi (yellowtail kingfish), a common farmed species from Australia, and Scomber japonicus (Pacific mackerel), a wild caught Scombrid relative of tuna, showed the two Scombrids had more similar microbial communities compared to other families. The finding that mucosal microbial communities are more similar in phylogenetically related fish species exposes an opportunity to develop mackerel as a model for tuna microbiome and parasite research.Yellowtail microbiome study: "Impacts of the marine hatchery built environment and feed on mucosal microbiome colonization across ontogeny in yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi" ABSTRACT The fish gut microbiome is impacted by a number of biological and environmental factors including fish feed formulations. Unlike mammals, vertical microbiome transmission is largely absent in fish and thus little is known about how the gut microbiome is initially colonized during hatchery rearing nor the stability throughout growout stages. Here we investigate how various microbial-rich surfaces from the built environment ‘BE’ and feed influence the development of the mucosal microbiome (gill, skin, and digesta) of an economically important marine fish, yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi, over time. For the first experiment, we sampled gill and skin microbiomes from 36 fish reared in three tank conditions, and demonstrate that the gill is more influenced by the surrounding environment than the skin. In a second experiment, fish mucous (gill, skin, and digesta), the BE (tank side, water, inlet pipe, airstones, and air diffusers) and feed were sampled from indoor reared fish at three ages (43 dph, 137 dph, 430 dph n=12 per age). At 430 dph, 20 additional fish were sampled from an outdoor ocean net pen. A total of 304 samples were processed for 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Gill and skin alpha diversity increased while gut diversity decreased with age. Diversity was much lower in fish from the ocean net pen compared to indoor fish. The gill and skin are most influenced by the BE early in development, with aeration equipment having more impact in later ages, while the gut microbiome becomes increasingly differentiated from the environment over time. Feed had a relatively low impact on driving microbial communities. Our findings suggest that S. lalandi mucosal microbiomes are differentially influenced by the built environment with a high turnover and rapid succession occurring in the gill and skin while the gut microbiome is more stable. We demonstrate how individual components of a hatchery system, especially aeration equipment, may contribute directly to microbiome development in a marine fish. In addition, results demonstrate how early life (larval) exposure to stressors in the rearing environment may influence fish microbiome development which is important for animal health and aquaculture production.

Source https://data.blue-cloud.org/search-details?step=~012D17404F45097BA6D318AFDBFC3F4402FB2A75D73
Metadata Access https://data.blue-cloud.org/api/collections/D17404F45097BA6D318AFDBFC3F4402FB2A75D73
Instrument Illumina MiSeq; ILLUMINA
Publisher Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service; ELIXIR-ENA
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact blue-cloud-support(at)maris.nl
Discipline Marine Science
Spatial Coverage (135.967W, -43.018S, 152.250E, -32.710N)
Temporal Point 2020-02-14T00:00:00Z