European Values Study, 1990 - EVS '90


This data collection is designed to enable cross-national comparison of values and beliefs in a wide variety of areas and to monitor changes in values and attitudes of mass publics in 14 European countries and the United States and Canada. Broad topics covered are work, the meaning and purpose of life, family life, and contemporary social issues. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of work, family, friends, leisure time, politics, and religion in their lives. They were also asked how satisfied they were with their present lives, whether they tended to persuade others close to them, whether they discussed political matters, and how they viewed society. Questions relating to work included what aspects were important to them in a job, the pride they took in their work, their satisfaction with the present job, and their views on owner/state/employee management of business. Respondents were asked about the groups and associations they belonged to and which ones they worked for voluntarily, the level of trust they had in most people, the groups they would not want as neighbours, their general state of health, and whether they felt they had free choice and control over their lives. A wide range of items was included on the meaning and purpose of life, such as respondents' views on the value of scientific advances, the demarcation of good and evil, and religious behaviour and beliefs. Respondents were queried about whether they shared the same attitudes toward religion, morality, politics, and sexual mores with their partner and parents, their views on marriage and divorce, qualities important for a child to learn, whether a child needs both parents to grow up happy, views on mothers working outside the home, views on abortion, and whether marriage is an outdated institution. Questions regarding political issues probed for respondents' opinions of various forms of political action and the likelihood of their taking an action, the most important aims for their countries, confidence in various civil and governmental institutions, and whether they felt divorce, abortion, suicide, cheating on taxes, lying, and other such actions were ever justified. Constructed variables: PLUS1 to PLUS53 are constructs for 1990 only, C90_1 to C90_51 are constructs which can be used to make comparisons with the same constructs in P0830 named C81_1 to C81_51. Topics of constructs: religiosity, church involvement, moral values, conservatism-progressiveness, confidence in institutions, intolerance, materialism-postmaterialism, political involvement, Bradburn's affect balance scale, marriage, family, abortion, education, work. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ organizational membership

Metadata Access
Creator European Values Study Group, Riffault, H., Faits et Opinions * Paris, France, Barker, D., Harding, S., Heald, G., Timms, N., Gallup Poll * London, Great Britain, Kocher, R., Institut fuer Demoskopie * Allensbach am Bodensee, West Germany, Capraro, G., Gubert, R., University of Trento * Italy, Orizo, F., Elzo, J., Data SA * Madrid, Spain, Franca, L. de, Euro Exansao SA * Lisbon, Portugal, Halman, L., Heunks, F.J., Moor, R.A. de, Institute for Social Research, IVA * Tilburg, the Netherlands, Dobbelaere, K., Kerkhofs, J., Dimarso * Brussels, Belgium, Gundelach, P., Riis, O., Danish National Institute of Social Research * Copenhagen, Denmark, Listhaug, O., Norwegian Central Bureau of Statistics * Oslo, Norway, Pettersson, T., SIFO * Stockholm, Sweden, Kennedy, K., Whelan, C., Economic and Social Research Institute * Dublin, Ireland, Inglehart, R., Gallup organization inc. * USA, Nevitte, N., Gallup Canada * Canada, Jonsson, F., University of Iceland * Iceland (primary investigator)
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor Data Station Admin
Publication Year 2008
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact Data Station Admin (DANS)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/xml; application/zip; application/pdf; application/octet-stream; text/x-fixed-field; text/x-c; application/msword; text/tab-separated-values; application/x-spss-por
Size 8700; 65635; 50583125; 93629665; 89042418; 82478255; 61024; 2691488; 139385; 1799; 414572; 3943922; 59787; 1638310; 138957; 1798; 406458; 2420037; 61890; 965110; 140243; 406033; 1433700; 5010; 61104; 943884; 139372; 402658; 1396602; 61179; 1435028; 139358; 1806; 414191; 2075463; 60998; 2029566; 139212; 422217; 2912517; 59913; 640224; 139274; 404981; 985608; 941000; 139709; 413555; 1407456; 61868; 1951406; 140328; 1797; 416085; 2827710; 60867; 980388; 139081; 1803; 418479; 1445040; 60668; 284544; 139283; 1808; 405296; 457812; 60764; 1148553; 139588; 393007; 1735101; 22748800; 60141; 1066500; 139441; 1800; 384934; 1598211; 5893646; 61534; 2549979; 140144; 418561; 3676995; 60457; 964287; 139946; 397745; 1444149; 59712; 1759923; 138746; 1795; 405004; 2577015
Version 3.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences