Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The Household Survey for Evaluation of Food Security Project in Mali, 2014 data were collected by Oxfam GB as part of the organisation's Global Performance Framework. Under this framework, a small number of completed or mature projects are selected at random each year for an evaluation of their impact, known as an Effectiveness Review. These data were used to evaluate the impact of the Increasing Food Security' project which was implemented between 2010 and 2014 in Mali. The first part of the project, ‘Food Facility’, was a pilot initiative carried out by Oxfam and partner organisations in northern Mali. The project aimed to increase the purchasing power and hence food security of vulnerable households, increase agricultural productivity among small producers, and to learn about these interventions in order to influence policy. Women of vulnerable households were provided with cash transfers for two years in order to encourage investment in production, provide for consumption during peak of the lean season, and subsidise short-term consumption to prevent households from selling crops immediately. The second initiative, PASA 5, built upon the first by expanding to a wider area, and providing additional training on nutrition and financial management. It also encouraged community mobilization to involve community members in awareness raising on good nutrition. Finally, the project sponsored a regular radio show, which broadcasted messages about agricultural techniques and nutrition, organised demonstrations, and provided support and capacity building to office holders at community, commune and district levels. In March and April 2014, Oxfam implemented a household survey to evaluate the impact on direct beneficiaries of PASA 5. The questionnaire was administered in 302 households of project participants and 500 comparison households from communities with characteristics similar to those from where the participants were selected. Quasi-experimental methods were used to evaluate the impact of the project by matching project beneficiaries with non-beneficiaries on a range of characteristics. Anonymisation: Commune and village names have been removed and replaced with codes in random order. The following variables have been recoded so as to prevent unique cases that may allow identification of the respondents: household size (capped at 15 members), ethnicity (combined categories), age (binned in 5-year intervals), size of house (capped at 13+ rooms) and visible characteristics of house (combined categories of materials for walls and roof).
Main Topics:
Food security and resilience of vulnerable households in Mali.
Simple random sample
Random sample for intervention group was taken separately from ‘very poor’ and ‘poor’ groups in equal number. Within each group, the number of households interviewed were proportionate to the total number of participants in the community. In comparison communities, lists of ‘very poor’ households were obtained from local representatives, and respondents were randomly sampled from that list. Informants in comparison communities were used to make a list of households identified as ‘poor’, and respondents were then systematically randomly sampled from that list.
Face-to-face interview