A High-Pressure Low-Temperature Crystallographic Study of the Pm3m - I4/mcm F...
The perovskite-structured phases and their associated phase transitions remain an enduring topic of study within the solid state sciences due to their importance in both applied... -
Monitoring the changes in the local environment of titanium in modified netwo...
In this experiment we aim to evaluate the structure of titanium-rich glasses as they are compressed. In a previous experiment we have collected data for K2TiSi2O7 glasses with... -
Characterising the magnetic structure of Pd3Fe under pressure
Pd-Fe compounds are of interest due to the unusual interplay between magnetic and mechanical properties that are observable. Examples include martensitic transformations in... -
The structure of dense fluid deuterium
It is partly due to quantum effects that hydrogen (and deuterium) exhibits a dramatic compressibility: in its fluid state, prior to freezing at room temperature at 5.5 GPa, it... -
Probing Structural Anomalies in LaCoO3 using Neutron Total Scattering
This proposal is concerned with investigating changes in the local structure of LaCoO3 at various temperatures. The arrangement of d-electrons in the transition metal, Co,... -
Uranium minerals at extreme conditions: a powder neutron diffraction study
As Fukushima and Chernobyl have demonstrated, the consequences of an accident in a nuclear power plant are international. Extreme conditions, far from thermodynamic control are... -
Cation ordering in silicate spinel Ni2SiO4
Silicate spinels are important minerals in the transition zone region of the Earth and in order to understand seismic signals from these depths (550-660 km) we need to know the... -
The structure of dense fluid deuterium
It is partly due to quantum effects that hydrogen (and deuterium) exhibits a dramatic compressibility: in its fluid state, prior to freezing at room temperature at 5.5 GPa, it... -
Neutron Total Scattering Investigation of Temperature Driven Transitions in L...
This proposal is concerned with determining the local structure of LaCoO3 and observing changes within this as the material undergoes some well characterised temperature driven... -
In situ diffraction studies of the archetypal network glass, SiO2 at high pre...
Silica glass is one of the most widely studies amorphous materials. It is the archetypal glass former, comprising a network of corner-shared SiO4 tetrahedra. Recently a lot of... -
High-Resolution High-Pressure Study of the Elpasolite Perovskite La2NiMnO6
This proposal sets out to investigate the high pressure behaviour of the double perovskitematerial with the chemical formula La2NiMnO6. The properties of this and related... -
The hydrogen clathrates of urea
The search for new hydrogen storage materials is of considerable importance given the need to develop a carbon-free energy economy. This proposal is to investigate the urea-... -
High temperature setup commissioning
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Search for new hydrogen, helium and neon hydrates at high pressure
This proposal is for time to search for predicted gas hydrates at high pressure. The results will provide insight into the factors governing the stability of the H-bonded... -
In situ studies of the transition between high-density and very-high-density ...
The amorphous ices are good model systems for the study of pressure amorphisation and provide our princpal experimental test of the two liquids model of water. This seeks to... -
Structural and Magnetic Behaviour of PrCrO3 at High Pressure
The application of hydrostatic pressure tunes the interatomic separations within a compound, causing changes in the electronic structure. This alters many other material... -
High Pressure Behaviour of Benzene
The interactions between benzene molecules in the solid phase is of fundamental interest. Benzene is often used as a model system for structure prediction methodologies and... -
In Situ neutron diffraction of liquid gallium at elevated pressure
Gallium has a low melting point and forms a liquid just above room temperature. The melting curve has a negative slope and when pressure is applied room pressure phases will... -
Is CuO multiferroic at room temperatures under high pressure ?
Two recent high profile theoretical studies predict the existence of room temperature multiferroicity in CuO at high pressures. If confirmed experimentally, this would represent... -
Strategic programme
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