Understanding pressure-driven structural changes in FePO4-II
The room temperature high pressure behaviour of FePO4-I has been investigated and a phase transition at around 2.5 GPa to the orthorhombic phase (FePO4-II) accompanied by a... -
Understanding pressure-driven structural and magnetic properties in LaFeO3
This proposal is concerned with determining variations in the high pressure crystallographic and magnetic structure of LaFeO3. LaFeO3 is a characteristic example of... -
Towards Neutron Scattering of Amorphous Materials in the Gigapascal Regime
Over the past few years, extensive developments have been made in the use of neutron diffraction for structural studies of liquids and amorphous materials at high pressure.... -
The role of defects in the pressure-induced octahedral tilting in Prussian bl...
We propose a high-pressure study of two Prussian blue analogues, Mn[Co(CN)6]0.67 and MnPt(CN)6. Our high-pressure XRD study shows a phase transition from cubic to rhombohedral... -
Dipolar frustration on the triangular lattice: Order and disorder in AgNCO
We propose to use neutron total scattering to characterise isocyanate (NCO-) orientations within the orientationally-disordered phase of AgNCO. The arrangement of NCO- ions in... -
Study of Structural Transitions in Tellurite Glasses by Insitu High Pressure ...
Tellurite glasses have an interesting structural feature that Te ions have two coordinations of 3 and 4 with oxygen in the glass network. TeO2 is a conditional glass former and... -
Understanding of Competing Magnetic Processes in La0.7Sr0.3MnxFe1-xO3 Perovskite
The aim of this experiment is to complete the understanding of the complex nature of the structural and magnetic interactions in the La0.7Sr0.3Mn1-xFexO3 series of materials in... -
Defects and Medium-Range Disorder in the Metal¿Organic Framework UiO-66
We wish to use NIMROD to study the distribution and nature of defect sites in the high-thermal-stability metal-organic framework UiO-66. For the most part, defect structures in... -
High pressure behaviour of the cubic NTE material Cd(CN)2
Cubic cadmium(II) cyanide shows the most pronounced isotropic NTE effect known, with behaviour more than twice as extreme as that of better known materials such as ZrW2O8.... -
High resolution measurements of Barluenga's reagent at high pressure
This dataset has no description
New Metastable structures of ice from gas hydrates
Ice (the crystalline form of the water molecule) is one of the most structurally versatile systems known with at least 16 reported crystal structures. This proposal is for beam... -
Structural and Magnetic Behaviour of PrCrO3 at High Pressure
The application of hydrostatic pressure tunes the interatomic separations within a compound, causing changes in the electronic structure. This alters many other material... -
Modulation in Molecular Materials - Variable Temperature
Modulation occurs when there is ordering on two (or more) length scales. When the ratio of these is an integer, the modulation is said to be commensurate, i.e. one ordering is... -
Exploring Multiferroic Couplings in Ca2MnO4
The Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) compounds An+1BnO3n+1 exhibit a broad range of technologically interesting properties such as high-Tc superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance,... -
Formation and Structural Properties of Non-Stoichiometric Molybdenum Hydride
There is significant renewed interest in the super-conductivity of hydrogen-rich materials ever since the reported superconductivity of H2S at 203 K . As a result there is... -
Phase diagram of a switchable dielectric framework near the critical point
The family of hybrid Prussian blue analogues includes many electroactive materials, where organic cations moving within the pores of the cyanide framework cause unusual and... -
High Pressure Driven Spin States in LaCoO3
This proposal is concerned with determining variations in the high pressure structure of LaCoO3 and observing changes within this as the material undergoes some well... -
Copy of: Local magnetic order and the paramagnetic-parmagnetic transition in MnO
The antiferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition in MnO at 118 K occurs at a much lower temperature than anticipated from its Curie-Weiss constant theta~550 K. Consequently, strong... -
Understanding pressure-driven structural and magnetic properties in LaFeO3
This proposal is concerned with determining variations in the high pressure crystallographic and magnetic structure of LaFeO3. LaFeO3 is a characteristic example of... -
Understanding negative compressibility in KMn[Ag(CN)2]3
Negative linear compressibility (NLC) is the phenomenon whereby at least one of the linear dimensions of a material actually expand under hydrostatic pressure. It is only...