High Pressure Driven Spin States in LaCoO3
This proposal is concerned with determining variations in the high pressure structure of LaCoO3 and observing changes within this as the material undergoes some well... -
Modulation in Molecular Materials under Pressure
Modulation has been understood and used to explain physical properties in solid-state materials for many years. Molecular modulated structures relatively scarce, but due to... -
Volume isotope effect in recovered ice VIII
Water is the most fundamental hydrogen-bonded compound on Earth and its physical properties are essential for research areas ranging from live sciences to planetology. In this... -
Determining structure of D2S deuterium sulphide at high pressures up to 20 GPa
As it was reported recently in Nature Hydrogen sulphide conducts electricity with zero resistance at a record high temperature of 203 K. Authors of this high profile discovery... -
Modelling Intermolecular Interactions and Thermodynamic Properties of Naphtha...
Equations of state (EoSs) show how the thermodynamic variables of temperature, pressure and volume are inter-related. The ideal gas law, PV = nRT, is an example of an EoS which... -
Formation of Ho2Ge2O7 Pyrochlore at High Temperature and Pressure
When synthesised at high pressure and temperature, holmium germanate adopts the pyrochlorestructure. Because of its geometry, materials with this structure often have exotic and... -
High Pressure Driven Spin States in LaCoO3
This proposal is concerned with determining variations in the high pressure structure of LaCoO3 and observing changes within this as the material undergoes some well... -
H2O transport into the deep Earth: A high P-T study of hydrous Phase-A
The mantle is estimated to be planet Earths most massive volatile (e.g. H, C, S, N) storage reservoir, with interactions between crustal and mantle reservoirs dominate the... -
Local structure studies in the pressure-induced order-disorder phase transiti...
BaTiO3 is often thought of as the classic example of a ferroelectric material, with a well-defined, widely-taught phase diagram. However, the nature of the ferroelectric phase... -
Investigation into the “1/8 anomaly” in superconducting cuprates: La2-xBaxCuO...
The superconducting material La2-xBaxCuO4 (LBCO) exhibits an anomalous dip in Tc at the x = 0.125 composition at low temperature (>30 K). This is at odds with other... -
High Pressure Phase Diagram of BaTiO3
Lead based ferroelectric perovskite structured materials are extensively used in industrial applications. However, as a result of the need for more environmentally friendly... -
Low temperature, high pressure phase transition of the Improper Ferroelectric...
We have found that the 134-perovskite, HgMn7O12 (HgAMnA3MnB4O12) exhibits improper ferroelectric coupling due to an unusual orbital ordering of the manganese cations on both... -
High pressure structural study of BaD2
Simple hydrides are of scientific interest due to their suitability for storage of hydrogen in the solid state. These materials also display a wealth of interesting physics,... -
Comparison of the Compression Behaviour of BaSnO3 and Ba0.575Sr0.425SnO3
We propose to study the effect of pressure on the structure of the tetragonal Ba0.575Sr0.425SnO3, The behaviour will be compared to the compression of the cubic BaSnO3 (parent... -
PT-phase diagram of ammonium bromide
Ammonium bromide is a fundamental ionic solid that finds practical use, industrially, as a highly-effective flame retardant and also as an intermediary source of bromide in... -
High pressure charge transitions in PbCoO3
PbCoO3 used to be the missing link in the PbMO3 perovskite series. PbCoO3 was recently synthesized by the Azuma group using high-pressure synthesis at 12 GPa. NPD at JPARC... -
High pressure charge transitions in PbCoO3
PbCoO3 used to be the missing link in the PbMO3 perovskite series. PbCoO3 was recently synthesized by the Azuma group using high-pressure synthesis at 12 GPa. NPD at JPARC... -
The phase stability of alpha-glycine at high pressure
Though the beta and gamma forms of the simplest amino acid, glycine, yield a variety of different phases on application of pressure, Raman data suggest that the most common... -
Modulation in Molecular Materials under Pressure
Modulation has been understood and used to explain physical properties in solid-state materials for many years. Molecular modulated structures relatively scarce, but due to... -
Understanding of Competing Magnetic Processes in La0.7Sr0.3MnxFe1-xO3 Perovskite
The aim of this experiment is to complete the understanding of the complex nature of the structural and magnetic interactions in the La0.7Sr0.3Mn1-xFexO3 series of materials in...