Design Files for Low-cost Modular Bioinspired Electric-Pneumatic Driven Robots
The detailed mechanical and electrical design files of the Electric-Pneumatic Actuated (EPA) robots, alongside the necessary codes and software for controlling and operating... -
Dataset on Mediolateral Upper-Body Gyroscopic Moment Perturbations during Ove...
This dataset includes kinematic, kinetic, and EMG data recorded during a perturbed walking experiment using an Angular Momentum Perturbator (AMP). The study involved sixteen... -
Source Code for Concerted Control: Simulating Robust Bipedal Gaits at Various...
This repository contains source code associated with the paper "Concerted Control: Modulating Joint Stiffness Using GRF for Gait Generation at Different Speeds" by Shunsuke... -
Dataset for Event Detection in Gait Analysis from 3D-Printed Piezoelectric PL...
In the experiment, one test person wearing a ferroelectret insole in the right shoe walks on an instrumented treadmill. The dataset contains data from four ferroelectret sensors... -
Frequency-based hopping data
***Human hopping experiment: The hopping experiments involved six healthy young male subjects (age: 24.1 ± 3.3 years, mass: 73.5 ± 6.6 kg), as approved by the Technical...