Papers of Ernst Leumann (413): āg-Veda
āg-Veda Observations about the transmission. - Tr. of āV. 2, 1. Katalognummer: 413 Medium/Umfang: 8 unbound leaves Lokale Notation: Schu: 3.A. Projektmetadaten: 20 : āg-Veda... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (420): [Jānakīharaṇa] Pratīka-Liste zum Jānakīharaṇa ...
[Jānakīharaṇa] Pratīka-Liste zum Jānakīharaṇa : Entwurf Draft of no. 419 Katalognummer: 420 Medium/Umfang: 2 cc.; ca. 18 pp. + 4 unbound leaves Lokale Notation: Schu: 3.A.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (430): Buddhacarita : I 1 - II 21-I
Buddhacarita : I 1 - II 21-I Tr. - Not complete even for the parts announced Katalognummer: 430 Medium/Umfang: 2 cc.; 16 pp. + 2 unbound leaves Lokale Notation: Schu: 3.A.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (466): Indische Literaturgeschichte
Indische Literaturgeschichte Final ms. - Includes remarks on the language. - Survey of classical Indian literature (Vedic. lit., grammatic. lit., Buddhism) Katalognummer: 466... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (399): Chinese Tripiṭaka : Bibliothek-Wegweiser & Inh...
Chinese Tripiṭaka : Bibliothek-Wegweiser & Inhaltsang. Incomplete table of contents of N (Nanjio) 543 Ekottarāgama VI + X-XI. - Transl. by Tokiwai of four sūtras from N 23... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (444): Einige Betrachtungen über die Sprache : angest...
Einige Betrachtungen über die Sprache : angestellt im Sommer 1888 nach d. Erscheinen v. Max Müller's Werk "Das Denken im Lichte der Sprache" Katalognummer: 444 Medium/Umfang:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (405): "Nordbuddhistisches : (zur Lexikographie &c)"
"Nordbuddhistisches : (zur Lexikographie &c)" Articles on Buddhist terms "āniñjya; ānañya, āṇañja, āneñja" (7pp.), "ānuśaṃsa" etc. - c.4 entitled "Buddhistisches... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (401): Vajracchedikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra-śāstra-gāth...
Vajracchedikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra-śāstra-gāthā : N 1208. N 1215, 1202, verse 1. N 4. 1169. 1190 All texts are Engl. transl. - Contains also extracts from:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (317): Jaina-Hagiologie : Collectanea
Jaina-Hagiologie : Collectanea "Die Jaina-Hagiologie nach Āv.-niry. III + Samavāya-Schluß" Katalognummer: 317 Medium/Umfang: 1 unbound leaf Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.6.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (385): [Bodhisattvabhūmi]
[Bodhisattvabhūmi] Various notes. - Draft of articles "Zum vorbuddhistischen Wortschatz", "Zum Wortschatz der Nordbuddhisten" Katalognummer: 385 Medium/Umfang: unbound leaves... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (378): Anuprekṣā : S 364f
Anuprekṣā : S 364f Extracts of the ms. Katalognummer: 378 Medium/Umfang: pp. 1-6 Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.C.2. Handschriftennummern: S 364f Projektmetadaten: 20 : Anuprekṣā : S... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (390): Maitreya-vyākaraṇa
Maitreya-vyākaraṇa Clean and complete transl., based on Nanjio No. 208 Katalognummer: 390 Medium/Umfang: 4 cc.; pp. 1-55 + 2 unbound leaves Lokale Notation: Schu: 2.A.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (318): Geschichte der jinistischen Diöcesen (Gacchas)...
Geschichte der jinistischen Diöcesen (Gacchas) : Collectanea Notes with lists of Śvetāmbara and Digambara gacchas and the succession of pontifes therein Katalognummer: 318... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (312): Saṃgrahaṇī : mit Malayagiri's Comm.; G 134
Saṃgrahaṇī : mit Malayagiri's Comm.; G 134 Tr. of vss. 1-18 and 362-365 and "Strophenzählung in G 134" Katalognummer: 312 Medium/Umfang: 4 pp. Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.5.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (353): [Digambara-Handschriften] Liste von Digambara-...
[Digambara-Handschriften] Liste von Digambara-Handschr. : die Digambara-Mss. in P I-XVIII u. in e. kürzeren Verz. aus Śravaṇa Belgola. I. Unbound leaf: offprint of Bibliotheca... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (343): Mūlācāra : sammt Vasunandin's Comm. (Ācāravṛtt...
Mūlācāra : sammt Vasunandin's Comm. (Ācāravṛtti) ; S 344 Brief contents of the work. - Preparatory notes on the metre of the Mūlācāra. - "Citate bei Vasunandin" (only a few... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (329): [Kalpa-Cūrṇi] Diktion von KalpaCūrṇi und Āvaśy...
[Kalpa-Cūrṇi] Diktion von KalpaCūrṇi und ĀvaśyakaCūrṇi Both 329 and 330 deal with the same subject, viz. the technical language and phrases used in the Kalpa (and Āvaśyaka-)... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (268): [Tarangalolā] "Fehler der Handschrift B der Ta...
[Tarangalolā] "Fehler der Handschrift B der Tarangalolā" Katalognummer: 268 Medium/Umfang: 3 unbound leaves Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.5. Projektmetadaten: 20 : [Tarangalolā]... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (293): [Padmacarita] Index zum Padmacarita-Glossar
[Padmacarita] Index zum Padmacarita-Glossar Katalognummer: 293 Medium/Umfang: 2 cc.; ca. 32 pp. + 2 unbound leaves Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.5. Projektmetadaten: 20 :... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (272): "Dhūrtākhyāna"
"Dhūrtākhyāna" Analysis and characteristics (contents and language) of the Dhūrtākhyāna. - Clean copy Katalognummer: 272 Medium/Umfang: unbound leaves Lokale Notation: Schu:...