Papers of Ernst Leumann (22): Pāyāsi-sutta und Paesi-Sage aus Upânga 2.
Pāyāsi-sutta und Paesi-Sage aus Upânga 2. Crit. ed. of the Pāyāsi-suttaṃ (from Dīghanikāya) and the Paesi-Sage from Upānga 2 (i.e. Rājapraśnī) Katalognummer: 22 Medium/Umfang:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (28): Niśītha-bhāṣya
Niśītha-bhāṣya Very clean tr. with notes indicating correspondances with other works. - Some lacunae. - No indication on the number of the Berlin ms. used Katalognummer: 28... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (63): Kālaka-Legende : V
Kālaka-Legende : V Tr. based on the ms. I,78 (Wien, Univ. Bibl.). - The text has 122 vss. - At the end, list of the different versions of the Kālaka-legend and reference of the... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (55): [Piṇḍa-niryukti] Die Kathānaka zur Piṇḍa-niryuk...
[Piṇḍa-niryukti] Die Kathānaka zur Piṇḍa-niryukti : aus d. unvollständigen Saṃskṛt-Scholion (d. Straßburger Bibl.) Tr. of the texts of the stories up to Piṇḍa-niry. 670... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (57): Pratīka-Liste zu Anga 1&2, Oghaniry[ukti], Piṇḍ...
Pratīka-Liste zu Anga 1&2, Oghaniry[ukti], Piṇḍaniry[ukti], Vyavahāra-bhāṣya, Malayagiri's Nandī-ṭīkā, Śāntisūri's Uttarādhy[ayana]-ṭīkā IV-XXV Katalognummer: 57... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (44): [Viśeṣâvaśyaka-bhāṣya] Strophen-Liste, Wort-Ind...
[Viśeṣâvaśyaka-bhāṣya] Strophen-Liste, Wort-Index und Inhaltsangabe zu Theilen des Viśeṣâvaśyaka-bhāṣya. Liste der Eigennamen und Stichworte zu den Kathānakāni bei Haribh[adra],... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (41): [Uttarâdhyayana] Alphabetische Pratīka-Liste zu...
[Uttarâdhyayana] Alphabetische Pratīka-Liste zu Uttarâdhy.-niry. : mit Comm. v. Śānt[isūri] zu Utt. & Utt.-niry., Āvaśy.niry., Āc.-niry., Sūtr.-niry., Kalpabh. peḍh. &... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (17): [Praśnavyākaraṇa] Auszüge aus dem Praśnavyākara...
[Praśnavyākaraṇa] Auszüge aus dem Praśnavyākaraṇa : Anga 10 Based on Ms. No 677 (=A) and No. 1029 (=B) Katalognummer: 17 Medium/Umfang: pp. 101-140 Handschriftennummern: B 677B... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (14): [Jñātādharmakathā] Auszüge aus Anga 6 (Jñātādha...
[Jñātādharmakathā] Auszüge aus Anga 6 (Jñātādharmakathā) : nach der Calcutta-Ausgabe 1 leaf at the beginning: "Schluß in Abhayadeva's Comm zu Anga 10 u. zur Jñātādharm."... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (4): [Sūtrakṛta] Aus Śīlānkas Einleitung zum Sūtrakṛt...
[Sūtrakṛta] Aus Śīlānkas Einleitung zum Sūtrakṛta-Commentar und Abschrift von Sūtr[kṛtânga] I,1,1,1 - I,1,2,18 1. Einl. d. Comm. Śīlānka (3 pp.); 2. Sūyagaḍa (pp. 1-10); 3. Der... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (555): Malay[agiri zu Prajñāpanā]
Malay[agiri zu Prajñāpanā] Brief note on "ṭhikkarikā Kieselstein?" and on "sura-dṛṣṭyā 'aus der Vogelschau' oder 'von Weitem' = 'summarisch' im Gegensatz zu sūkṣmadṛṣṭyā 'von... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (545): Āvaśyaka-Cūrṇi
Āvaśyaka-Cūrṇi Katalognummer: 545 Medium/Umfang: 5 pp. Projektmetadaten: 20 : Āvaśyaka-Cūrṇi 77 : 5 pp. 90 : 545 Reference: Plutat, Birte: Catalogue of the papers of Ernst... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (534): [Viśeṣāvaśyaka-bhāṣya] Canonische Belegstellen...
[Viśeṣāvaśyaka-bhāṣya] Canonische Belegstellen zum Viśeṣāvaśyaka-bhāṣya Only two or three references. Almost empty Katalognummer: 534 Medium/Umfang: 6 pp. Projektmetadaten: 20 :... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (546): "Āv[aśyaka]-Cūrṇi und Erzählungen"
"Āv[aśyaka]-Cūrṇi und Erzählungen" Brief notes (drafts), some of which are found in other cc. Katalognummer: 546 Medium/Umfang: unbound leaves Projektmetadaten: 20 :... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (526): [Nandī] Zur Textgeschichte der Nandī und des A...
[Nandī] Zur Textgeschichte der Nandī und des Anuyogadvāra Two clean pages and various draft notes Katalognummer: 526 Medium/Umfang: 7 unbound leaves Projektmetadaten: 20 :... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (531): Upāsakâdhyayana
Upāsakâdhyayana Only the following: "S 412. 551 Gāthās. Die Zählung reicht bis 549, weil die Zahlen 34 und 214 wiederholt sind [wiederholt sind auch Text u. Nummer von 59]". -... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (536): [Viśeṣāvaśyaka-bhāṣya] Die Original-Recension ...
[Viśeṣāvaśyaka-bhāṣya] Die Original-Recension des Viśeṣāvaśyaka-bhāṣya : P XII 56 "Varianten des Viśeṣāvaśyaka zu niry. II 67 - IV 17" (1 p.); "Ms p = P XII 56" Contents of the... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (542): [Āvaśyaka-niryukti V]
[Āvaśyaka-niryukti V] Only one leaf with the following remark: "Āv.-niry. V besteht anscheinend aus einer Vereinigung der Originalstelle (die in Viś. 1965-1987 erhalten wäre)... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (549): "Śīlānka"
"Śīlānka" C.1.: "Śīlānka's Comm. zum Viśeshāvaśyaka-bhāshya"; c. 2: "Uebersetzung von Viśesh.-ṭīkā V 646 - soweit exerpirt"; c. 3-5 untitled. - Various notes on the... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (553): [Upadeśapada]
[Upadeśapada] Two leaves neatly written on the Upadeśapada: general observations, its position towards the tradition which preceded it, mss. used by Leumann (P XXI 1188 = p; P...