Papers of Ernst Leumann (306): Viśeṣaṇavatī
Viśeṣaṇavatī clean tr. based on ms. P XXII 1227. - C.1: vss. 1-249; c.2: vss. 250-438. - Some lacunae Katalognummer: 306 Medium/Umfang: 2 cc.; 18 pp.; c.1 with 5 unbound leaves... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (280): [Pañcāśaka] Umfang von Abhayadeva's Pañcāśaka-...
[Pañcāśaka] Umfang von Abhayadeva's Pañcāśaka-Commentar Based on mss S 375 (with text) and P VIII 742 (without text) Katalognummer: 280 Medium/Umfang: 2 pp. + 1 unbound leaf... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (271): Dhūrtākhyāna : P XXIV 1314
Dhūrtākhyāna : P XXIV 1314 Complete tr. of the work. - Very clean. - c.1: chapters I and V; c.2: chapters II to IV; c.3: Chapter IV (continued) Katalognummer: 271 Medium/Umfang:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (295): Praśamarati
Praśamarati Tr. of the text based on the ms "P XXIII 773 (mit einer Ṭīkā)". - c.1: vss. 1-196; c.2: vss. 197-314. - Fairly complete Katalognummer: 295 Medium/Umfang: 2 cc.; 22... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (288): [Padmacarita] Pauma-cariya : das Leben des Pad...
[Padmacarita] Pauma-cariya : das Leben des Padma vom Jaina-Dichter Vimala, ein mönchisches Gegenstück zu Vālmīki's Rāmāyaṇa. Stark gekürzte Übers. This abridged transl. /... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (264): Tarangalolā
Tarangalolā Complete and clean tr. Katalognummer: 264 Medium/Umfang: 6 cc.; 89 pp. Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.5. Projektmetadaten: 20 : Tarangalolā 30b: Schu: 1.B.5. 77 : 6 cc.;... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (233): Yaty-ārādhanā
Yaty-ārādhanā Tr. of the Pkt. portions of the text, based on ms. B 1895. - The rest of the text is in "Bhāsā", not transcribed by Leumann Katalognummer: 233 Medium/Umfang: 2 pp.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (250): Karmavipāka : mit Paramānanda's Comm.; P XIII ...
Karmavipāka : mit Paramānanda's Comm.; P XIII 148a Tr. of vss. 1 to 16 only Katalognummer: 250 Medium/Umfang: pp. 1-2 Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.5. Kommentatoren: Paramānanda... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (215): [Yogadṛṣṭisamuccaya] Aus dem Commentar zum Yog...
[Yogadṛṣṭisamuccaya] Aus dem Commentar zum Yogadṛṣṭisamuccaya Based on the same mss. as c. 214 Katalognummer: 215 Medium/Umfang: pp. 1-3 Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.4.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (212): [Pañcasūtraka] Die Citate in Haribhadra's Comm...
[Pañcasūtraka] Die Citate in Haribhadra's Commentar zum Pancasūtraka Based on mss. P XXI 1280 and P VIII 740 Katalognummer: 212 Medium/Umfang: pp. 1-3 Lokale Notation: Schu:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (208): Nandī-[Kommentar] Comm. : P V 110
Nandī-[Kommentar] Comm. : P V 110 Also contains extracts of the same comm. taken from ms. S 453 Katalognummer: 208 Medium/Umfang: 6 pp. + 1 c. with 1 p. + 2 unbound leaves... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (242): [Haribhadra] Die formelhaften Wendungen Haribh...
[Haribhadra] Die formelhaften Wendungen Haribhadra's In fact, classified list of Haribhadra's works in three groups: A. Philosophical traits; B. Commentaries; C. Other works. -... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (245): Ārādhanāpatākā
Ārādhanāpatākā Tr. of two different Ārādhanāpatākās. - "Die Ārḍhanāpatākā innerhalb der Prakīrṇaka-Sammlung", 2 cc., based on ms. P XXV 57911; c. 1: vss. 1-222, 2: 223-371;... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (240): [Pañcasūtraka. Jambūdvīpasaṃgrahaṇī. Darśanasa...
[Pañcasūtraka. Jambūdvīpasaṃgrahaṇī. Darśanasaptaṭīkā. Nānācitraka. Jñānapañcakavivaraṇa] 1. Analysis of the Pañcasūtraka with extracts from the text (3 pp.). - 2. Analysis of... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (203): [Upadeśapada] Liste der Upadeśapada-Erzählungen
[Upadeśapada] Liste der Upadeśapada-Erzählungen List of catchwords with references Katalognummer: 203 Medium/Umfang: 5 pp. Lokale Notation: Schu.: 1.B.4. Projektmetadaten: 20 :... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (180): [Āvaśyaka] (Nachträge)[zur gedruckten "Übersic...
[Āvaśyaka] (Nachträge)[zur gedruckten "Übersicht..."] (p.1a - 35a) Clean copy of Nachträge for the Übersicht Katalognummer: 180 Medium/Umfang: unbound leaves in an envelope... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (176): "Āvaśyaka-Literatur : lose Zettel zum Gedruckten"
"Āvaśyaka-Literatur : lose Zettel zum Gedruckten" Five "Zettel" with additions meant for the Übersicht. One of them contains the general plan of the Übersicht Katalognummer: 176... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (204): Kṣetrasamāsa (Kṣ1) : mit Haribhadra's Comm.
Kṣetrasamāsa (Kṣ1) : mit Haribhadra's Comm. Mss. A I 749, P XXIII 815 and P XII 3971 were used Katalognummer: 204 Medium/Umfang: 3 pp. + 1 unbound leaf Lokale Notation: Schu:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (177): Jinabhaṭa
Jinabhaṭa Clean copy. - Discusses at length two passages (on Viś. I 242f & 1217) which surely prove that Śīlānka knew Jinabhaṭa. The corresponding passages in Hemacandra's... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (175): "Zur Āvaśyaka-Literatur"
"Zur Āvaśyaka-Literatur" 2 unbound leaves: on "Ārādhanā-niryukti", "Ārādhanā-sūtra" and Śivakoṭi's "neue mūlĀrādhanā". - Other unbound leaves collected in a copy book. Printed...