Papers of Ernst Leumann (354): II. Liste von Digambara-Handschr[iften] : läng...
II. Liste von Digambara-Handschr[iften] : längeres Verz. aus Śravaṇa Beḷgoḷa; am Schluss Brahmasūri's Mss., die jetzt z.Th. in Strassburg sind; L 224 In nāgarī-script... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (350): Two Suprabhāta Stotras of the Digambara Litera...
Two Suprabhāta Stotras of the Digambara Literature : I. forming part of S 363e; II. forming part XVII of Padmanandin's Pancaviṃśatikā Many lacunae in I. - II is almost complete... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (339): Dharmaparīkṣā : "ein Apabhraṃśa-Gedicht in elf...
Dharmaparīkṣā : "ein Apabhraṃśa-Gedicht in elf Sandhis. Eine Neubearbeitung von Amitagati's Dharmaparīkṣā". P VIII 617. P XXIV 1009 Brief analysis of the text, which also... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (352): Liste von Digambara-Texten : Umschrift von L 224
Liste von Digambara-Texten : Umschrift von L 224 Title of the work - author - language. - The following classification is adopted: I. Siddhānta; II. Jinamata & Nyāya; III.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (357): Die Vita von Brahmasūri-śāstrin in Śravaṇa-Beḷ...
Die Vita von Brahmasūri-śāstrin in Śravaṇa-Beḷgoḷa : von dem e. Teil d. Strassburger Digambara-Hss. bezogen sind, geschrieben von seinem Sohn Dorvali-Jinadāsa-śāstrin, erhalten... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (316): Sindūraprakara
Sindūraprakara Description of the Berlin-Mss. - Pratīka-Index Katalognummer: 316 Medium/Umfang: 2 unbound leaves Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.5. Projektmetadaten: 20 :... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (326): Haupt-Pratīka-Liste : Ergänzungen
Haupt-Pratīka-Liste : Ergänzungen Suppl. to c. 41/1. - The 5 cc. are divided in the same way Katalognummer: 326 Medium/Umfang: 5 cc.; pp. 1-72; c.1 contains unbound leaves... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (320): Jaina-Dogmatik : Collectanea
Jaina-Dogmatik : Collectanea Various notes on ontology, cosmology, biology, and ethics of the Jainas, mainly with reference to the Bhagavatī (and other dogmatic traits of the... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (303): [Jaina-Literatur] Excerpte
[Jaina-Literatur] Excerpte About: the Viṃśatisthānakacaritra, the Vardhamānadeśanā, Samantabhadra's Ratnakaraṇḍaka Katalognummer: 303 Medium/Umfang: unbound leaves Lokale... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (287): [Padmacarita] "Vorrede zu einer Übersetzung de...
[Padmacarita] "Vorrede zu einer Übersetzung des Paumacariya : Jainaprakrit" "Vom jinistischen Rāmāyaṇa" = introduction to Vimala's Paumacariya, including grammatical features... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (311): [īoḍaśaka-vivaraṇa] Aus Yaśobhadra's Ṣoḍaśaka-...
[īoḍaśaka-vivaraṇa] Aus Yaśobhadra's Ṣoḍaśaka-vivaraṇa : P II 104. P XII 407 Only a few extracts from the beginning and the end of the text Katalognummer: 311 Medium/Umfang: 2... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (327): Pratīka-Liste von Strophen von Śīlānka zu Anga...
Pratīka-Liste von Strophen von Śīlānka zu Anga ... und Guṇaratna zu Haribh[adra]'s Ṣaḍd[arśanasamuccaya] Katalognummer: 327 Medium/Umfang: unbound leaves Lokale Notation: Schu:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (332): Āptamīmāṃsā (Devāgama-stotra). BhD 412 (mit Bh...
Āptamīmāṃsā (Devāgama-stotra). BhD 412 (mit Bhāṣā-Comm.) Tr. of vss. 1 to 55 of this text. - Note about vss. 1 to 6: "abgedruckt in den Abhandl. des 14. Or. Congr. vol. I p.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (328): Tattvârtha-bhāṣya : Br 5174
Tattvârtha-bhāṣya : Br 5174 One unbound leaf is entitled "Siddhasena's Tattvārtha-Commentar" and includes remarks on this text and its mss. - 5 pp. of the c. are written. On the... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (274): [Dūrtākhyāna] Glossar zum Dhūrtākhyāna
[Dūrtākhyāna] Glossar zum Dhūrtākhyāna Complete and very clean Katalognummer: 274 Medium/Umfang: 2 cc.; 21 pp. Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.5. Projektmetadaten: 20 : [Dūrtākhyāna]... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (281): Padmacarita : angeblich verf. 530 nach Mahāvīra
Padmacarita : angeblich verf. 530 nach Mahāvīra Various notes (for the glossary) Katalognummer: 281 Medium/Umfang: unbound leaves Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.5. Projektmetadaten:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (267): [Tarangalolā] "Über die fehlerhaften Schreibun...
[Tarangalolā] "Über die fehlerhaften Schreibungen einer Prakrithandschrift A (Tarangalolā ??)" Katalognummer: 267 Medium/Umfang: 3 cc.; ca. 16 pp. + unbound leaves Lokale... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (262): Tattvârtha-Ślokavārttika : P XXIII 939
Tattvârtha-Ślokavārttika : P XXIII 939 Clean but incomplete tr. of vss. 1-248. - Many lacunae Katalognummer: 262 Medium/Umfang: 2 cc.; ca. 16 pp. Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.5.... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (256): Caityavandana-kulaka : mit Inhaltsang. zu Jina...
Caityavandana-kulaka : mit Inhaltsang. zu Jinakuśala's Vṛtti; P XIII 148i Clean and complete. - Includes tr. Katalognummer: 256 Medium/Umfang: 12 pp. Lokale Notation: Schu:... -
Papers of Ernst Leumann (283): Padmacarita : S 442
Padmacarita : S 442 List of the headings of chapters based on S 442. - "Inhaltsangaben" (beginning only). - Grammatical notes Katalognummer: 283 Medium/Umfang: 9 pp. + 2 unbound...