Perturbed hopping
The dataset was collected from experiments with six young, healthy participants who were instructed to perform two-legged hopping at a self-selected frequency on a specially... -
Chromatin reorganization as a major factor in the control of nuclear stiffness
DNA organization on chromatin has been largely studied for its consequences in gene expression, but its contribution to the cell mechanics is often neglected despite the nucleus... -
PeerQA: A Scientific Question Answering Dataset from Peer Reviews
We present PeerQA, a real-world, scientific, document-level Question Answering (QA) dataset. PeerQA questions have been sourced from peer reviews, which contain questions that... -
Supporting Videos "Capillary-Wave-Driven Jumping Droplets on Superhydrophobic...
Drop nucleation, growth, coalescence induced jumping and capillary wave driven jumping on superhydrophobic colloidal raft -
Forschungsdaten zu "Ein Beitrag zum dynamischen Verhalten beim Gewindebohren ...
This data set is the research data from the dissertation "Ein Beitrag zum dynamischen Verhalten beim Gewindebohren durch die Entwicklung eines analytischen Modells sowie den... -
Research and raw data to publication: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2025.113726 -
Supporting Data for 'Ion-specific Stability of Gold Nanoparticle Suspensions'
The data consist of photos and UVvis absorption spectra of suspensions of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) containing various sodium salts of different concentrations. The data are... -
How charges separate when surfaces are dewetted - Supplementary Material
This repository contains supplemental data for the publication Aaron D. Ratschow, Lisa S. Bauer, Pravash Bista, Stefan A. L. Weber, Hans-Jürgen Butt, and Steffen Hardt, How... -
Classification of gravure printed patterns using singular value decomposition...
This dataset contains MATLAB code ('code_MachLearn_ImgClass.zip') for automated classification of gravure printed patterns from the HYPA-p dataset. The developed algorithm... -
Ionization potentials of metal clusters studied with a broad range, tunable v...
In this work, we present an alternative to complex laser setups or synchrotron light sources to accurately measure the ionization potentials of metal clusters. The setup is... -
Superresolution-Compatible DNA Labeling Technique with Silicon Rhodamine -Lin...
Chromatin dynamics play crucial roles in cellular differentiation, yet tools for studying global chromatin mobility in living cells remain limited. Here, we developed a new... -
Dataset on Color Preference Rendition in White Lighting Applications
Collected database of psychophysical data on color preference evaluation of lighting scenarios. Including radiometric and photometric measures (SPD, light level...),... -
Videos of the Numerical Simulation of Single Drop Impingement onto Smooth, Su...
Videos of the numerical simulation of single drop impingement onto smooth, superheated walls. The videos show the following cases: axisymmetric (2D) and quarter drop (3D).... -
Videos of the Numerical Simulation of Drop Array Impingement onto Smooth, Sup...
Videos of the numerical simulation of drop array impingement onto smooth, superheated walls. The videos show the following cases: drop array impingement with a spacing of 1.18,... -
Videos of the Numerical Simulation of Vertical Drop Coalescence on Smooth, Su...
Videos of the numerical simulation of vertical drop coalescence on smooth, superheated walls. The videos show the following cases: successive drop impingement with a time... -
Videos of the Numerical Simulation of Single Drop Impingement onto Textured, ...
Videos of the numerical simulation of single drop impingement onto textured, superheated walls. The videos show the following cases: regular arranged rectangular pillars with a... -
Videos of the Numerical Simulation of Simultaneous and Non-Simultaneous Drop ...
Videos of the numerical simulation of simultaneous and non-simultaneous drop impingement onto smooth, superheated walls. The videos show the following cases: simultnaeous drop... -
Videos of the Numerical Simulation of Capillary-Driven Spreading on Textured,...
Videos of the numerical simulation of capillary-driven spreading on textured, superheated walls. The videos show the following cases: regular arranged rectangular pillars with... -
Systematic Task Exploration with LLMs: A Study in Citation Text Generation
The components of this dataset are used in the experiments of the paper "Systematic Task Exploration with LLMs: A Study in Citation Text Generation" published at main conference... -
Research and raw data to publication: Hard magnetic SmCo5-Sn nanocomposites produced by high-pressure torsion