Research Software Engineering Workflow - Matlab/Octave MWE - Code and Data
Minimal example of a research code that generates a minimal dataset. -
Data for the publication: Iterative integral equation methods for structural ...
Jupyter notebook files, tabulated potentials, and simulation files for the publication. -
Fotos Auguste-Viktoria-Allee Berlin (Reinickendorf)
Fotografien der südlichen Straßenseite der Auguste-Viktoria-Allee in Berlin-Reinickendorf (LOR Scharnweberstraße), beginnend von Osten (Ecke Ollenhauerstraße) nach Westen (Ecke... -
Figure 6: A) ORR polarization curves and B) mass specific activity (MSA) in o...
Figure 6: A) ORR polarization curves and B) mass specific activity (MSA) in oxygen atmosphere for varying catalyst loading on the GDE measured in 2 M HClO4 in O2-atmosphere by... -
Figure S1 Polarization curves RDE + GDE IL modified PtC
Figure S1: ORR activity of Pt/C catalyst modified with [BMIM][beti]. A) ORR polarization curves obtained in RDE measurements at room temperature in oxygen saturated 0.1 M HClO4... -
Towards physics-based deep learning in OpenFOAM: Combining OpenFOAM with the ...
Source Code and Data snapshot accompanying the Training " Towards physics-based deep learning in OpenFOAM: Combining OpenFOAM with the PyTorch C++ API" given at the 17th... -
Detector efficiency / response curve for an Oxford instruments Xmax80 SDD EDS detector, equiped with a Moxtec AP3 polymer window. -
Bow Shock Inflectionpoints
Points describing the shock front of a Mach 4 Bow Shock. Obtained by a reconstruction algorithm on the basis of a shock capturing simulation of the stationary Mach 4 Bow Shock.... -
Ensemble averaged flow field data and videos of the flow around a pitching an...
Correlated and ensemble averaged velocity field data of the flow around a pitching and plunging flat plate airfoil (ID 1 case). Raw data were recorded in a wind tunnel at TU... -
Fotos Holteistraße Berlin (Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg)
Fotografien der Holteistraße in Berlin-Friedrichshain, beginnend mit der westlichen Straßenseite von Nord nach Süd. Östliche Straßenseite von Süd nach Nord. -
Supplementary material_Evaluation of the Environmental Performance of Croppin...
Supplementary material Dissertation Karoline Maria Wowra Publication "Evaluation of the Environmental Performance of Cropping Systems under Different Nitrogen Management... -
Data for Publication: Contact line friction and dynamic contact angles of a c...
This data is an example data of the simulation of a capillary bridge between two superhydrophobic rough surfaces under steady shear. One can reproduce the results of the paper... -
Substituent Effects in Iron Porphyrin Catalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Re...
Data package used for the peer-reviewed publication: "Substituent Effects in Iron Porphyrin Catalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction" in Chemistry - A European Journal.... -
Computational Science and Engineering - Research Software Engineering Workflo...
This archive contains the Minimal Example of research data in the CSE-RSE workflow. The data is a single CSV file, build/poly-data.csv containing values, first and second... -
Fotos Krossener Straße Berlin (Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg)
Fotografien der Krossener Straße in Berlin-Friedrichshain, beginnend mit der nördlichen Straßenseite von West nach Ost. Südliche Straßenseite von Ost nach West.