RD2: EMAC CCMI-2022 free running combined hindcast and production simulation ...
This experiment comprises an ensemble of three free-running combined hind-cast and projections simulations (1950-2099) with EMAC at T42L90MA resolution under the CCMI-2022 refD2... -
RD1SD: EMAC CCMI-2022 hindcast simulations with specified dynamics, ERA-5, 19...
This experiment comprises one specified dynamics hind-cast simulation (1979-2019) with EMAC at T42L90MA resolution under the CCMI-2022 refD1 protocol, see... -
RD1: EMAC CCMI-2022 free running hindcast simulation 1950-2019
This experiment comprises one free-running hind-cast simulation (1950-2019) with EMAC at T42L90MA resolution under the CCMI-2022 refD1 protocol, see SPARC,... -
High resolution obstacle-resolved model results for the city centre of Hambur...
This experiment contains the model output of a simulation by the microscale obstacle resolving model MITRAS (Salim et al., 2018; Schluenzen et al., 2018, model version MITRAS... -
ESCiMo / CCMI: future simulations scenario RCP6.0, SSTs/SICs from coupled HAD...
This experiment comprises 3 different simulations: - future simulations scenario RCP6.0 - model data output mostly as 10-hourly global snapshots,... -
ESCiMo / CCMI: hindcast simulations, free-running, SSTs/SICs from HadISST. 19...
This experiment comprises 4 different simulations: - hind-cast simulations, free-running - SSTs/SICs: global data set HadISST provided by the UK... -
Evaluation of the global aerosol model EMAC-MADE3 in the uncoupled version - ...
Simulation with most recent version of MADE3 into the atmospheric chemistry general circulation model EMAC, including a detailed evaluation of a ten-year aerosol simulation with... -
Evaluation of the global aerosol model EMAC-MADE3 in the uncoupled version - ...
Simulation with most recent version of MADE3 into the atmospheric chemistry general circulation model EMAC, including a detailed evaluation of a ten-year aerosol simulation with... -
Volcanic SO2 data derived from limb viewing satellites for the lower stratosp...
This directory (experiment) contains volcanic SO2 data derived from limb viewing satellites for the lower stratosphere from 1998 to 2012. The usage of the data is described in... -
ESCiMo / CCMI: hindcast simulations with specified dynamics, ERA-Interim SSTs...
This experiment comprises 5 different simulations: - hind-cast simulations with specified dynamics from 1979 to 2013 - ERA-Interim SSTs/SICs... -
Concentrations of gaseous pollutants and particulate compounds over Northwest...
The concentrations and deposition of atmospheric constituents such as air pollutants were modeled with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model system for the year... -
Pore water solutes, total cell counts, dissolved gases and sulfate reduction ...
During an expedition to the southern Barents Sea in 2021, 50 gravity cores were collected at about 350 m water depth at three sampling areas with known underlying hydrocarbon... -
Supplemental data of Global Carbon Project 2021
Supplement containing data related to the 2021 Global Carbon Budget from the Global Carbon Project. The original article is Friedlingstein et al: Global Carbon Budget 2021,... -
TD-DFT for PZX-tolan and Geometry optimization for Radicals
This dataset contains (TD-)DFT calculations for a series of N-Tolanyl-phenochalcogenazines PZX in neutral and radical form with two different geometries. For the radicals, only... -
TD-DFT calculations of bridged triarylamine dimers
This dataset contains (TD-)DFT calculations (Gaussian 09 output files) for a series of 2,7-fluorene bridged triarylamine dimers in their neutral-, monoradicalic- and diradicalic... -
Donor Acceptor Triads with Triptycene Bridges, ns and fs laser raw data
This dataset contains the raw datasets measured on a Helios pump-probe spectrometer (Ultrafast Systems) and an inhouse built transient absorption spectrometer based on a LP920... -
Cogwheel phase cycling in population-detected optical coherent multidimension...
An integral procedure in every coherent multidimensional spectroscopy experiment is to suppress undesired background signals. For that purpose, one can employ a particular... -
Infiltration into PMMA - Light Microscopy Data
This data package is part of the parent data package “Datasets for “Penetration Coefficients of Commercial Nanolimes and a Liquid Mineral Precursor into Pore-Imitating Test... -
Experimental Properties of Water, Ethanol, iso-Propanol, 4 Commercial Nanolim...
This data package is part of the parent data package “Datasets for “Penetration Coefficients of Commercial Nanolimes and a Liquid Mineral Precursor into Pore-Imitating Test... -
Infiltration into PDMS - Light Microscopy Data
This data package is part of the parent data package “Datasets for “Penetration Coefficients of Commercial Nanolimes and a Liquid Mineral Precursor into Pore-Imitating Test...