The Binary Conditional Contribution Mechanism for public good provision in dy...
We present a new and simple mechanism for repeated public good environments. In the Binary Conditional Contribution Mechanism (BCCM), every agent's message has the form, “I am... -
Premium auctions and risk preferences: An experimental study [Dataset]
In premium auctions, the highest losing bidder receives a reward from the seller. This paper studies the private value English premium auction (EPA) for different risk attitudes... -
Copy Trading [Dataset]
Copy trading allows traders in social networks to receive information on the success of other agents in financial markets and to directly copy their trades. Internet platforms... -
Research data for dissertation project "The dynamic preferences and incentive...
Contained in this datset are the data from the surveys in Chile and Tanzania and the replication files for the analysis conducted in the doctoral dissertation: "The dynamic... -
Promoting water consumption using behavioral economics insights [Dataset]
Mexico has one of the largest overweight and obesity epidemics in the world and as a response, several actions aiming to reduce the obesity epidemic have been already set in... -
Reciprocity in Labor Market Relationships: Evidence from an Experiment Across...
We study reciprocity in the labor market context. To this end, we conducted a bilateral gift exchange experiment comparing behavior of subjects from five high-income OECD... -
Communication in Cournot competition: An experimental study [Dataset]
This study investigates the impact of communication on outcomes in Cournot duopoly and triopoly experiments. Communication is implemented by two different devices, a... -
Why do people keep their promises? An experimental test of two explanations
Numerous psychological and economic experiments have shown that the exchange of promises greatly enhances cooperative behavior in experimental games. This paper seeks to test... -
Presencia y actividad de las universidades en redes sociales
Los datos recopilan el volumen de presencia y actividad de las 70 universidades top-ranked en Facebook, Twitter y LinkedIn -
NIDIO SPOLIS Month version 2006-2023
This dataset includes all jobs of individuals registered in the BRP (Personal Records Database) working in organizations registered in the ABR (General Business Register)... -
Network Embeddings DeepWalk 2020-2022
This dataset contains network embeddings of all individuals who are registered in the Basisregistratie Personen (BRP) on January 1st YYYY and part of at least one population... -
Network Embeddings LINE 2020-2022
This dataset contains network embeddings of all individuals who are registered in the Basisregistratie Personen (BRP) on January 1st YYYY and part of at least one population... -
Replication Data for: Going green: Framing effects in a dynamic coordination ...
Replication Data for the published paper 'Going green: Framing effects in a dynamic coordination game'. Decision-making in a (novel) dynamic coordination game that simulates... -
Replication Data for: Tax privacy concerns hamper digitization of the nanosto...
Various entities, such as startups, suppliers and governments, face substantial difficulties in convincing nanostore shopkeepers to adopt digital technologies. Given the... -
Network Embeddings LINE DINE 2020-2022
This dataset contains network embeddings of all individuals who are registered in the Basisregistratie Personen (BRP) on January 1st YYYY and part of at least one population... -
NIDIO SPOLIS Year version 2006-2023
This dataset includes all jobs of individuals registered in the BRP (Personal Records Database) working in organizations registered in the ABR (General Business Register). Each... -
Werkonderzoek 2024
Het Werkonderzoek 2024 betreft een enquêteonderzoek onder medewerkers in de publieke sector. Het onderzoek is een coproductie van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en... -
LISA Dutch Company Data
The LISA company data contain information on Dutch companies, aggregated on a municipal or other level, or in the form of microdata. The data have a geographical (location) and... -
2028-02-27 - DANS Data Station Archaeology - CoreTrustSeal Requirements 2020-...
CoreTrustSeal certification -
2028-03-04 - ESS-DIVE Data Repository - CoreTrustSeal Requirements 2020-2022
CoreTrustSeal certification