GNOSIS Flugzeugmodelle
Diese zusätzlichen Informationen dokumentieren den Umsetzungsprozess der GNOSIS Fallstudie anhand des Frameworks in den drei Methodenteilen ex-post Sachbilanz, ex-ante... -
Editierbares Parameterverzeichnis
Diese zusätzlichen Informationen dokumentieren den Umsetzungsprozess der erweiterten Ökobilanzierung. Im ersten Teil erfolgt die Generierung von Parametern für den frühen... -
Data of the i-MASTER project: A novel initiative in maritime education and tr...
i-MASTER datasets. The i-MASTER project is an EU funded project under grant agreement No. 101060107. The project's objective is to study and develop an AI-based intelligent... -
Supporting Informed Choices about Browser Cookies: The Impact of Personalised...
This dataset has no description
Geochemical, petrophysical and petrographical dataset of fractured Variscan g...
Outcrop analogue studies are of high priority as they allow the interpretation of geophysical surveys, minimizing the exploration risk, reliable predictions of reservoir... -
Czechia: Bibliographical database of Czech journalism and media research rela...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Poland: Bibliographical database of Polish journalism and media research rela...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Dataset on the zooarchaeological records of oyster shells in Estonian archaeo...
This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological seafood remains. The dataset consists of 4 tables and 3 (5) photo folders. It is being made public... -
Crosskonkordanz zwischen DFG-Fächern 2020 und DNB-Sachgruppen
Die Crosskonkordanz bildet die Fächer der Fachsystematik der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (Stand 2020-2024) auf die DDC-Sachgruppen (Stand 2004) ab, wie sie in der... -
Dataset on zooarchaeological records of Estonian medieval and early modern fi...
There are several related pblications, see FISH BONES README This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological seafood remains. The dataset consists of... -
Supplementary Material: Urban Data Platforms and Resilience in German Smart C...
This item contains supplementary material for the paper Urban Data Platforms and Resilience in German Smart Cities. -
Boundary Conditions - Direct Injecion for Cat-Heating Operating Points
For the investigations, the engine was operated at a speed of 1500 rpm and an intake pressure of 0.95 bar. Starting from the base operating point with early injection and... -
Flame PDF - Direct Injecion for Cat-Heating Operating Points
The PIV raw images were used for flame detection and therefore have the same optical structure. Only the relevant parts of the cycles from the ignition point onwards were... -
Spray_Average - Direct Injecion for Cat-Heating Operating Points
The spray was visualized using high-speed images of the Mie scattering of the fuel droplets. The liquid fuel was illuminated with a volumetrically expanded laser beam through... -
Drop impact on a sticky porous surface with gas discharge - Supplementary mat...
This collection contains the raw data (Microsoft Excel xlsx-format) for the plots as well as the computational finite-element model (Comsol Multiphysics mph-format and model... -
Effektgraph Unterlagen Studie
Unerlagen zur Stuide im Rahmen der Dissertation Kraus Benjamin. Schulungsmaterial, Hilfsmaterial, Rohdaten Antworten, Fragebogen -
Supplementary Material (Data): Do Resilience Metrics of Water Distribution Sy...
This dataset contains the data for the paper "Do Resilience Metrics of Water Distribution Systems Really Assess Resilience? A Critical Review". It contains the table with the... -
Données d'observation de la phénologie de plusieurs cultures (blé, tournesol, maïs, colza) de l'Unité Expérimentale Ferlus (Lusignan, France). Les données sont issues des... -
Urbane Datenplattformen in Deutschland
Tabelle mit urbanen Datenplattformen und Auswahl der Städte -
Comparative study of crows in urban context - Tartu - Paris project (2021-2023)
The dataset is a collection of the different data collected and organized during the project and leading to publication. It contains: - field observations - survey dataset -...