Titel Test 2
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Supplementary Data: Using Spectralsensors to Determine Photosynthetic Photon ...
The set of test spectra contains daylight-spectra calculated by the CIE-Method and real world measurements under clear (19.08.2020, Darmstadt N 49.87634624041006, E... -
Interfacial relaxation - Crucial for phase-field methods to capture low to hi...
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Phase separation in evaporating all-aqueous sessile drops - Supplementary Mat...
All archived data refer to the paper A. May, J. Hartmann, and S. Hardt, Phase separation in evaporating all-aqueous sessile drops, Soft Matter 18 (2022) 6313-6317. and Figure 4b... -
Results of a reference-date measurement of 153 springs and creeks within the ...
The Tuxertal (Tux Valley) is located in the Eastern Alps in Tyrol, Austria and is drained by the Tuxbach (Tux Creek). The catchment area comprises 135 km², with the Olperer... -
Road Spray in Lidar and Radar Data for Individual Moving Objects
Simulation-based testing supports the challenging task of safety validation of automated driving functions. Virtual testing always entails the modeling of automotive perception... -
Supplemental Data: Table S1
Contains supplemental data (Table S1) to the publication "Use of Bacillus subtilis spores in printing and additive manufacturing as a robust, DNA‑based anti‑counterfeiting &... -
Structural network analysis from outcrop analogues of the crystalline Odenwald
Enhanced quantitative characterisation of the geometrical features and variability of the fracture network properties is an essential prerequisite to model fracture networks in... -
Analyses of the effects of fiber diameter, fiber fibrillation, and fines cont...
The table contains the measured data and modeling belonging to the publication. It contains the measurements of the ascending test as well as the modeling of the ascending rate... -
Distribution of European plastic waste composition
Datensatz einer Elementarvertielung der europäischen Kunststoffaballzusammensetzung. Der erstellte Datensatz beruht auf einer Literaturrecherche. Data set of an elemental... -
Drop Impact onto a Substrate Wetted by another Liquid: Flow in the Wall Film
In this repository raw data and videos related to the publication "Drop Impact onto a Substrate Wetted by another Liquid: Flow in the Wall Film" are presented. -
Analytical data of bulk geochemistry of sandstone samples from the Enticho Sa...
We compare Ethiopian glaciogenic sandstone of the Late Ordovician and Carboniferous–Permian Gondwana glaciations petrographically and geochemically to provide insight into... -
Side wall cores of the United Downs Deep Geothermal Power Project, Cornwall: ...
In a fault-related deep granitic reservoir located in Redruth, Cornwall (UK), a geothermal doublet-system (United Downs Deep Geothermal Power Project, UDDGP) was completed in... -
Manipulation of Single Sub-Femtoliter Droplets via Partial Coalescence in a D...
The data are the x- and y-values of the graphs shown in figures 3, 4 and S2. The type and relevance of these data is described in the article and in the corresponding... -
Evaluation of drive-off procedures in dynamic driving simulators: Multisensor...
The data was collected in a three-part experimental study that investigated the influence of multisensory cues, sense of presence and test designs on the evaluation of drive-off... -
Supplementary information to 'Radiogenic heat production of crystalline rocks...
The Gonghe Basin Complex (GBC), is a pull-apart basin located in the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet plateau (Qinghai, China) displaying various geothermal features such as elevated... -
Complementary Data Lithium Ion Batteries
This dataset has no description
Interdisciplinary Dataset on the Fracture Network of the Tromm Granite, South...
This data publication is a supplement to the paper by Frey et al. (2021, in prep.), which describes the interdisciplinary and multi-scale characterization of the fracture... -
Magnetic Susceptibility of Rock Samples of the Northern Upper Rhine Graben Re...
We present here a comprehensive dataset on the magnetic susceptibility of the main geologic units in and adjacent to the northern Upper Rhine Graben. It represents a complement... -
Petrophysical and mechanical rock property database of the Los Humeros and Ac...
Petrophysical and rock mechanical properties are key parameters for the characterization of the deep subsurface in different disciplines such as geothermal heat extraction,...