Substituent Effects in Iron Porphyrin Catalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Re...
Data package used for the peer-reviewed publication: "Substituent Effects in Iron Porphyrin Catalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction" in Chemistry - A European Journal.... -
Bird bones from archaeological excavations in Viljandi, Estonia, from 1987 to...
The dataset contains bird bone identifications by Freydis Ehrlich, Eve Rannamäe and Teresa Tomek from 2009-2018. The bird bones come from 35 archaeological excavations... -
Tris(benzophenoneimino)phosphane and related compounds
The dataset includes files supporting the article named "Tris(benzophenoneimino)phosphane and related compounds". Monocrystal XRD data, calculated .cosmo files, calculated pKaH... -
Dataset on the archaeozoological record of the Asva Late Bronze Age site, Saa...
Data collection is not complete and will be updated. The purpose of the data collection was to obtain precise information on the animal remains excavated from the Asva site in... -
Töö- ja pereelu ühitamise uuring
Töö- ja pereelu ühitamise uuringul oli kaks osa. Neis esimese raames testiti soorollide, stereotüüpide ja normide teadvustamiseks loodud videosalvestise vaatamise mõju Eesti... -
Hüperspektraalsed lennukilt kogutud kaugseire pildid mere RITA projektile
This dataset has no description
Inari Saami geminates
Data extracted from the Inari Saami prosody corpus (http://dx.doi.org/10.15155/1-00-0000-0000-0000-00150L), used in Türk et al (2018). The Acoustic Correlates of Quantity in... -
Päranditurism Eestis: Potentsiaal ja arenguvõimalused
Uuringu "Päranditurism Eestis: Potentsiaal ja arenguvõimalused" teostas Ettevõtluse Arenduse Sihtasutuse tellimusel 15.05.2020 - 15.03.2021 Tartu Ülikooli ajaloo ja arheoloogia... -
We studied how linguistic and non-linguistic auditory input is recognized and distinguished by the brain among native and language naïve speakers, and how that might influence... -
Projekti "Veekaitsevööndite reostustundlikkuse ja kaldavööndi puhverribade ra...
Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse rahastatud projekti “Veekaitsevööndite reostustundlikkuse ja kaldavööndi puhverribade rajamise vajalikkuse hinnangute kaardikihtide loomine”... -
Sweden: Bibliographical database of Swedish journalism and media research rel...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Bird bones from the archaeological excavations in the castle of the Teutonic ...
The dataset contains bird bone identifications by Freydis Ehrlich from May 2020 and is the dataset used for a publication Ehrlich et al 2020:... -
Bulgaria: Bibliographical database of Bulgarian journalism and media research...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Romania: Bibliographical database of Romanian journalism and media research r...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Croatia: Bibliographical database of Croatian journalism and media research r...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Austria: Bibliographical database of Austrian journalism and media research r...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Tartu Ülikooli genoomika instituudi Eesti biokeskuse vanaDNA proovid (01.04.2...
Andmekogu sisaldab kõikide vanaDNA proovide asukohapõhist taustainfot, mis on Eesti arheoloogilistest luudest Tartu Ülikooli genoomika instituudi Eesti biokeskuse puhaslaboris... -
Hungary: Bibliographical database of Hungarian journalism and media research ...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
10 months 4000IU vitamin D supplementation decreases the risk of vitamin D de...
Embargoed til published Background: Vitamin D deficiency with related consequences to human health has growing interest to military specific researchers worldwide. Many... -
Slovakia: Bibliographical database of Slovakian journalism and media research...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative...