Magnetic frustration effects in cubic HoInCu4
The ternary rare-earth compounds REInCu4 show strong indications of frustration resulting in a very low AF ordering temperature of the rare earth moments. The crystal structure... -
Change of magnetic order by non-magnetic dilution in the quasicrystal approxi...
Our group has recently discovered i-R-Cd quasicrystals showing spin-glass like behavior and the related cubic approximants RCd6 with long-range magnetic order at low... -
Magnetic structure of atacamite and clinoatacamite
In recent years it has been established that the natural mineral polymorphs atacamite and clinoatacamite (chemical formula Cu2Cl(OH)3) exhibit a low temperature magnetic... -
Novel amorphous and quasicrystalline Ti45-xVxZr38Ni17 alloys for hydrogen sto...
The project is aimed at unveiling structural aspects of the newly synthesised Ti45-xVxZr38Ni17 (x = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40) alloys and their deuterides. The obtained... -
Investigation of the magnetic phase diagram of clinoatacamite, Cu2Cl(OH)3
The copper hydroxychloride mineral clinoatacamite, Cu2Cl(OH)3, has been discussed in the literature as frustrated quantum magnet and has been reported to show in thermodynamic... -
Temperature and field dependence of the magnetic moment of the frustrated spi...
Linarite, PbCuSO4(OH)2, is a natural mineral which has been shown to display a rich and complex phase diagram in applied fields up to 10 T for temperatures below 2.8 K. Our... -
Magnetic Diffuse Scattering of two New Rare Earth Pyrochlores
The aim of the proposed experiment is to explore the magnetic behavior of the new rare earth Pyrochlores Pr2Hf2O7 and Nd2Hf2O7 by using E2 to measure their diffuse magnetic... -
Crystal Structure and Local Lattice Distortion of High Entropy Alloys CoCrMox...
High-entropy alloys (HEAs) are solid solution alloys containing at least five principle elements in equimolar or nearly equimolar ratios. As one of the core effects of HEAs, the... -
Evolution of magnetic order and correlations in the partially frustrated meta...
CePdAl is a unique intermetallic material, where both long-range magnetic order and frustration show up below TN=2.7K. This results in an exotic state, where only two thirds of... -
Test measurement for check the quality of a MnS2 single crystal
To prepare a new proposal. -
Crystal and magnetic structure of Y3Cu9(OH)19Cl8, a distorted kagome antiferr...
We propose to study the crystal and magnetic structure of Y3Cu9(OH)19Cl8, a material which has been reported as distorted kagome antiferromagnet with a TN = 2.2 K. Recently, an... -
Magnetic phases in Tb2Pd2In single crystal
We propose a zero field neutron diffraction experiment on Tb2Pd2In single crystal to identify the magnetic phases and clarify their magnetic structures. For that we ask 2 days... -
Correlations and possible long-range order in the ground state of the spin-ic...
The aim of this proposal is the investigation of the possible onset of a non-degenerate ground state of the spin-ice system Dy2Ti2O7. Theoretically, it is expected that dipolar... -
Instrument Time
Systematic search for the cause of inhomogeneous background and detector tests. -
Magnetic structure of multipolar ordered Ce0.7Nd0.3B6
The f-electron ordering phenomena have been intensively studied in the past decades. Of special interest are systems with an unconventional type of the order parameter:... -
Short-range antiferromagnetic magnetic correlations in Ba8CoNb6O24
The triangular magnetic systems are interesting due to strong frustration. It a purely two-dimensional system, a magnetic order should not be established above 0 K. Recently, we... -
Deuterium-related phase transitions in CePdIn1-xSnxDy deuterides.
RNiInDx compounds with R = Ce-Nd exhibit very short D-D distances of 1.5 A. The project aims at determination, whether this phenomena occurs for CePdIn1-xSnxDy compounds.... -
Magnetic order in new low dimensional Ising material (ND4)3CoCl5
Low-dimensional magnetic systems often provide a wealth of interesting and unexpected phenomena. Some systems have the distinction that they can be used to rigorously test... -
Magnetic structure of atacamite and clinoatacamite
In recent years it has been established that the natural mineral polymorphs atacamite and clinoatacamite (chemical formula Cu2Cl(OH)3) exhibit a low temperature magnetic... -
Influence of partial magnetic frustration on the magnetic order in CePdAl
The metallic heavy-fermion compound CePdAl might be a model system to investigate the influence of magnetic frustration on quantum criticality. The antiferromagnetic order below...