NHS dose response relationship
The bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay is a colorimetric assay that measures protein concentration in a sample based on a chemical reaction that causes a change of colour. Peptide... -
ELISA data following conjugation protocol
The antibody conjugation was also quantified using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit to detect bevacizumab specifically. Following conjugation, PLGA NPs, NHS-PLGA... -
EDC dose response relationship
The bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay is a colorimetric assay that measures protein concentration in a sample based on a chemical reaction that causes a change of colour. Peptide... -
BCA O D unreacted, activated, conjugated
The bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay is a colorimetric assay that measures protein concentration in a sample based on a chemical reaction that causes a change of colour. Peptide... -
DFT results for silicon primitive cell (for comparison)
Acceptor impurities in semiconductors bind a hole from the valence band at low temperatures; at higher temperatures, the hole becomes mobile and contributes to the the... -
DFT results for 216-atom perfect silicon cell (for comparison)
Acceptor impurities in semiconductors bind a hole from the valence band at low temperatures; at higher temperatures, the hole becomes mobile and contributes to the the... -
DFT results for 216-atom cell containing In impurity
Acceptor impurities in semiconductors bind a hole from the valence band at low temperatures; at higher temperatures, the hole becomes mobile and contributes to the the... -
DFT results for 216-atom cell containing Ga impurity
Acceptor impurities in semiconductors bind a hole from the valence band at low temperatures; at higher temperatures, the hole becomes mobile and contributes to the the... -
DFT results for 216-atom cell containing B impurity
Acceptor impurities in semiconductors bind a hole from the valence band at low temperatures; at higher temperatures, the hole becomes mobile and contributes to the the... -
DFT results for 512-atom cell containing Al impurity
Acceptor impurities in semiconductors bind a hole from the valence band at low temperatures; at higher temperatures, the hole becomes mobile and contributes to the the... -
DFT results for 216-atom cell containing Al impurity
Acceptor impurities in semiconductors bind a hole from the valence band at low temperatures; at higher temperatures, the hole becomes mobile and contributes to the the... -
CT reconstructions used to retrieve strain and assess strain retrieval precis...
reconstructions in folders Phantom_TiO2_inclusion_uncompressed1 and Phantom_TiO2_inclusion_uncompressed2 were used to determine the strain retrieval precisions in figure... -
2H and 17O NMR Studies of Solvent Dynamics Related to the Cononsolvency of Po...
Datasets of the figures shown in the article with the same title as this submission. Original manuscript submitted to Soft Matter in January 2025. Revised version submitted to... -
ARR Data Collection Initiative 2024
Dataset of peer review reports, meta-reviews, reviewer-author discussions, and paper drafts collected from ACL Rolling Review within the context of the new data collection... -
MIPAS temperature averaging kernels
This data set contains MIPAS averaging kernels used by König et al, (2019). N. König, P. Braesicke and T. von Clarmann, Tropopause altitude determination from temperature... -
Linear Depolarisation Ratio of Cloud Chamber Grown Cirrus
Measurement data for 'Cloud Chamber Studies on the Linear Depolarisation Ratio of Small Cirrus Ice Crystals' Contains data collect at the AIDA cloud chamber facility during... -
A similarity matrix for preserving haplotype diversity - supplementary material
Mendelian sampling variability (MSV), determined by the heterozygosity and linkage phases of the parental haplotypes, quantifies the chance of producing offspring with high... -
Tracks of negative upper-tropospheric PV anomalies (PVAs$^{-}$) over the Nort...
This archive contains identified negative, upper-tropospheric PV anomalies (short: PVAs$^{-}$) and their tracks for the period 1979-2021 over the Northern Hemisphere based on... -
Max Reservoir Data - Revision 1
This file contains the reservoir data and model outputs for the manuscript titled, "Is drought protection possible without compromising flood protection? Estimating the maximum... -
Data set: Momentum resolved fingerprint of Mottness in layer dimerized Nb3Br8
The dataset contains raw data files of the ARPES and optical absorption measurements. It also contains data files of the DFT bandstructure calculations.