Poster for deRSE19 Conference: Software Sustainability for the Open-Source P...
MegaMol is an open-source prototyping framework for the interactive visualization of large particle-based data. Its flexible, modular architecture allows it also to serve as... -
Replication Code for: Meta-Uncertainty in Bayesian Model Comparison
This dataverse contains the code for the paper Meta-Uncertainty in Bayesian Model Comparison: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2210.07278 Note that the R code is structured as a... -
Replication data of Lotsch group for: "Sustained Solar H2 Evolution from a Th...
All primary data files of measurements and processed data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from Lotsch group can be found here. This dataset contains... -
Source code and data relevant for the paper 'Learning Register Automata with ...
The dataset contains source code and data relevant for the journal extension of the conference paper "Learning Register Automata with Fresh Value Generation". The journal was... -
Crustal and upper mantle structure of Botswana: is Botswana rifting?
Our knowledge of the Earth's crust and upper mantle is derived largely from geophysical observations (e.g., seismology, gravity, etc.). Constraining the physical conditions of... -
Digital humanities: Introduction. A 10-week course with practical sessions.
The aim of the course is to introduce digital humanities and to describe various aspects of digital content processing. The course consists of 10 lessons with video material and... -
HT-Archilochus (Hyper-Text Archilochus)
This data is a sample from a collection of fragments of a Greek poet, Archilochus, which is based on text, translations and commentary edited by Anika Nicolosi (2013). This data... -
Strategic Adaptability Negotiation Training
We developed a negotiation training on strategic adaptability, titled "Strategic Adaptability Negotiation Training in Purchasing and Supply Management: A Multi-Method... -
Artwork and more from the Compass+ e-module
This dataset contains most of the artwork created for the Compass+ e-module on systematic searching. Compass+: Systematically searching for literature The online training course... -
Seasonal variations in the fraction of visible radiation intercepted by the t...
Afin d’aider à la caractérisation de la phénologie foliaire chez le mélèze hybride (Larix decidua x Larix kaempferi) et de sa variabilité, des données expérimentales des... -
Replication Package for: What Drives Demand for Playlists on Spotify?
Replication Package for: "What Drives Demand for Playlists on Spotify?", forthcoming at Marketing Science See readme.md -
Archeologische verwachtingskaart uiterwaarden rivierengebied
Dit is de volledige digitale dataset bij het project ‘Archeologische verwachtingskaart uiterwaarden rivierengebied’, uitgevoerd door Deltares, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en... -
Development and Testing of the ALAT
Data are related to published article:Hoek, R. W., Rozendaal, E., Van Schie, H. T., & Buijzen, M. (2020). Development and testing of the advertising literacy activation task: an... -
Vakcommunity Leven Lang Ontwikkelen
Teams zijn een essentieel onderdeel van veel organisaties en zeer bepalend voor de mate waarin organisaties vandaag de dag hun doelen bereiken en zich blijven ontwikkelen. Om... -
Dataset Testing the Effectiveness of a Disclosure in Activating Children’s Ad...
Data sets and syntax files related to published article:Hoek, R. W., Rozendaal, E., Van Schie, H. T., Van Reijmersdal, E. A., & Buijzen, M. (2020). Testing the Effectiveness of... -
DutchSemCor is a Dutch corpus that is sense-tagged with senses and domain tags from the Cornetto Database and Named Entities linked to Wikipedia. The goal of DutchSemCor was to... -
The Effect of Retrieval Practice on Fluently Retrieving Multiplication Facts ...
Fluently retrieving simple multiplication facts leads to an improvement of overall math scores. In the current study, we investigated how to best reach this fluency in an... -
Alle Corona Persconferenties geannoteerd met Searle's Speech Acts
A spreadsheet with all Dutch press conferences regarding the Corona/Covid 19 virus from the period March 6th 2020 and April 20th 2021. The conferences are split into sentences,... -
Dataset Associated with the Study of Robust Drivers of Urban Land Surface Tem...
This dataset is associated with the study of the robust drivers of urban land surface temperature (ULST) dynamics across diverse landscape characters based on an augmented...