SFB 1194 - A07 - Interdiffusion in microfluidic interface rotation between tw...
The data contains python code used as well as all raw data. -
Clustering Evaluation for Crisis Management [Code]
This repository contains the experimental code of the clustering evaluation described in the paper "Information Overload in Crisis Management: Bilingual Evaluation of Embedding... -
Dataset for Event Detection in Gait Analysis from 3D-Printed Piezoelectric PL...
In the experiment, one test person wearing a ferroelectret insole in the right shoe walks on an instrumented treadmill. The dataset contains data from four ferroelectret sensors... -
Fracture toughness of mixed-mode anticracks in highly porous materials
This repository contains the code and datasets used in the data analysis for "Fracture toughness of mixed-mode anticracks in highly porous materials". The data is provided as... -
Listing 2
Working example for listing 2 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data in... -
Supplementary Materials: A comprehensive approach for an approximative integr...
The architecture consists of 3 modules: Master Module, Approximation Module and MILP Module. In the master module, the nonlinear bivariate functions are defined and the input... -
Programm zur Bauteiltrennung und -bewertung
Python Skript zur automatisierten Trennung von Bauteilen für die additive Fertigung und Auswahl und Bewertung der enstehenden Schnittvarianten bezüglich der Herstellkosten. -
Listing 3
Working example for listing 3 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data in... -
Listing 6
Working example for listing 6 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data in... -
Debugging Tool for MILP and MIQCP formulations: obtaining constraints respons...
Optimization problems, in this case written in Pyomo, with modeling errors can lead to infeasibility of the model. From the perspective of the modeler, it is therefore essential... -
Linear-Complexity Private Function Evaluation is Practical - Performance meas...
Performance measurement data for the paper 'Linear-Complexity Private Function Evaluation is Practical' -
Listing 7 & 8
Working example for listings 7 & 8 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data... -
Listing 4
Working example for listing 4 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data in... -
An Enhanced Methodology for Displaying and Classifying Time-Dependent Color S...
DatasetDatasetDatasetDatasetDatasetDatasetDatasetDataset -
Listing 1
Working example for listing 1 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data in...