Altijd Blijven Sporten 2019/2020 (databestand)
The data was collected for the ABS: Always Stay Active! study funded by ZonMW Sportinnovator (grant no.: 538001037). The original aim of this study was to test the extent to... -
Inrichting van een organisatie- en infrastructuur voor onderzoeksgroep overst...
Deze dataset is de geharmoniseerde dataset die voortgekomen is uit het Harmony consortium. In dit consortium is onderzoek gedaan naar de effecten van COVID-19 vaccinaties is... -
Replication Data for: Gezondheidsenquête 2023 - GECON 2023
Sinds 1981 wordt door het CBS een continue Gezondheidsenquête gehouden. Van 1997 tot en met 2009 maakte de enquête deel uit van het Permanent Onderzoek Leefsituatie (POLS), als... -
Essential tremor suppression with the STIL Orthosis
This dataset contains TETRAS scores, accelerometry data and analysis of a randomized crossover trial with 24 ET patients. During this trial the STIL Orthosis is compared to a... -
Weed biomass and canopy cover data in cereal-legume intercropping
This data contains weed biomass and canopy cover of various cereal and legume sole- and intercrop data over time in four experiments over three years (2022-2024), done in... -
BUZZ-2 Data: Terms of Use
Terms of use Date Submitted: 2023-11-29 -
STARR study
BackgroundArthroscopic partial meniscectomy has become the default treatment for symptomatic traumatic meniscal tears, despite the lack of scientific evidence for it. Therefore,... -
Direct Discharge of Simple and Stable Injuries
Dataset including anonymised data of Direct Discharge as part of a Virtual Fracture clinic project measuring feasibility by the following Bowen parameters: implementation,... -
Drug interaction potential of high-dose rifampicin in patients with pulmonary...
Accumulating evidence supports the use of higher doses of rifampicin for tuberculosis (TB) treatment. Rifampicin is a potent inducer of metabolic enzymes and drug transporters,... -
PACS: Pediatric Analgesia after Cardiac SUrgery
This is a a multi-center randomized controlled trial in children aged 0-36 months after cardiac surgery..Morphine is worldwide the analgesic of first choice after cardiac... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T5 Clinical Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Shared Decision Making in Integrated Maternity Care
While integrated maternity care increasingly aims at shared decision-making, it seems that clients with low health literacy do not optimally benefit. Low health literacy is a... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T6 Population Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Zoonoses in the night
Rationale: The emergence of infectious diseases such as Ebola viral disease, Zika virus disease, and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is an important public health... -
Brazilian Cerrado natural vegetation dataset
This dataset is composed of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data of several areas of the Brazilian Cerrado for the development of supervised deep learning algorithms on SAR-optical... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T4 Clinical Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Begeleiding van ALK patiënten door de POHGGZ in de huisartsenpraktijk: een praktische handreiking voor huisarts en POHGGZ Date Submitted: 2023-10-25 -
TRAILS T5 Clinical cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Public Perception of Water Quality in the Scheldt River Basin
Dataset supporting the paper about 'Public Perception of Water Quality in the Scheldt River Basin' Date Submitted: 2021-02-23 -
Shared Decision Making and the use of different types of outcome-information ...
This research project investigates how Shared Decision Making is practiced in the field of care for Multipele Scleroris (MS) and healthcare professionals' use of different types...