Contribution of benthic microalgae to the temporal variation in phytoplankton...
Suspended benthic microalgae in the water column reflect the strong benthic-pelagic coupling in coastal ecosystems and particularly in turbid macrotidal systems. Nevertheless,... -
Turbidity and chlorophyll sensor, data from EMSO-Molène Observatory, 2016-12-...
This dataset contains the data acquired using the turbidity on EMSO-Molène observatory. The sensor was protected against the fouling by a micro-chlorination device. -
Oxygen optode, data from EMSO-Molène Observatory, 2017-01-01 to 2017-05-04
This dataset contains the data acquired using the oxygen optode on EMSO-Molène observatory. The sensor was protected against the fouling by a micro-chlorination device. The... -
Oxygen CTD, data from EMSO-Molène Observatory, 2016-12-20 to 2017-05-04
This dataset contains the data acquired using the CTD on EMSO-Molène observatory. The sensor was protected against the fouling. It is set on the instrument module, oposite the... -
REMOULA temperature dataset survey 2000 - 2012. Blue mussel growth in the Per...
Concomitantly to the monitoring network of the Blue mussel growth in the Pertuis Charentais sounds, (available soon from SEANOE) high frequency temperature measurements were... -
Ocean Bottom (OBS) data from Ifremer’s temporary network deployed in the Sea ...
This dataset was recorded from 15th of April to 31st of July , 2011, by 10 autonomous, short-period (4.5 Hz) OBSs from Ifremer. -
Regional monitoring network of the Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) rearing perfo...
On a yearly basis, mussel farming produces around 13 000 metric tons of mussel in the Pertuis Charentais sounds (Pertuis Breton et Pertuis d’Antioche). This represents 23% of... -
Ocean Bottom (OBS) data from Ifremer’s temporary network deployed in the Sea ...
This dataset was recorded from September 19th to 14th of November , 2014, by 9 autonomous, short-period (4.5 Hz) from Ifremer. -
A global database of vertical profiles derived from Biogeochemical Argo float...
The presented database includes 0-1000 m vertical profiles of bio-optical and biogeochemical variables acquired by autonomous profiling Biogeochemical-Argo (BGC-Argo) floats.... -
Matugli01 deployment (EGO glider : Crate) (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin)
The observations of Crate Slocum glider on Matugli01 deployment (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin) are distributed in 4 files: - EGO NetCDF time-series (data, metadata,... -
Ocean bottom seismometer recording April-June 2016 offshore Molène Island, Br...
This dataset consists of passive seismic ocean bottom seismometer recordings of two Ifremer LotOBS from April-June 2016. File format is SAC and sample rate 250 Hz -
High resolution seismic data offshore Morocco
High resolution data from the offshore Morocco, acquired using the hull mounted echosounder from the french research vessel N/O L'Atalante. These data are part of the Mirror... -
SMOOVE, video data from EMSO-Azores observatory, 2013-2014
This dataset contains video data acquired with the camera SMOOVE installed on the TEMPO ecological module, deployed on the EMSO-Azores observatory from July 2012 to August 2013.... -
Array of autonomous short period Ocean Bottom Seismometers from the EMSO-Azor...
This dataset contains raw data, drift corrected data and SeisComP 3 Data Structure (SDS) from Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) deployed at EMSO-Azores from July 2014 to April... -
ODEMAR AUV Abyss (GEOMAR) + shipboard Pourquoi Pas? multibeam bathymetry - 13...
ODEMAR AUV Abyss (GEOMAR) + shipboard Pourquoi Pas? multibeam bathymetry - 13deg20minN Oceanic Core Complex, Mid Atlantic Ridge Microbathymetry acquired with AUV REMOS 6000 with... -
ODEMAR shipboard Pourquoi Pas? multibeam bathymetry
Multibeam bathymetry data, gridded at 40m, acquired around the 13°20'N and 13°30'N oceanic detachments along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Bathymetric data was acquired by the... -
Pockmark morphological attributes at the Aquitaine slope, GAZCOGNE1 (2013) an...
Pockmarks are defined as depressions on the seabed and are usually formed by fluid expulsions. Recently discovered, pockmarks along the Aquitaine slope within the French EEZ,... -
Temperature data from CISICS coloniser, EMSO-Azores observatory, 2015-2016
This dataset contains the controled temperature data in °C from the two temperature sensor (Bottom and Top) inside the CISICS colonizer deployed between April 2015 and September... -
COSTOF, technical data from SeaMoN East, node of the EMSO-Azores observatory,...
This dataset contains technical parameters (Voltage in V, current in mA, energy in Ah, internal pressure in mbar, water leak detection) acquired between April 2015 and September... -
COSTOF, technical data from SeaMoN West, node of the EMSO-Azores observatory,...
This dataset contains technical parameters (Voltage in V, current in mA, energy in Ah, internal pressure in mbar, water leak detection) acquired between April 2015 and September...