GOES ABI satellite data to study anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liqu...
The dataset contains geographical locations and datetimes of occurrence for the events of anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liquid-water clouds identified in GOES ABI... -
Meteorological conditions characteristic of anthropogenic glaciation of super...
We used ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis data to characterise the meteorological conditions characteristic of anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liquid-water clouds and of cloud... -
Ground-based precipitation radar data to study glaciation of supercooled liqu...
Ground-based precipitation radar datasets (two sites in Canada) were used to study the glaciation of supercooled liquid-water clouds downwind anthropogenic air pollution... -
Python code for processing MODIS satellite data to study anthropogenic glacia...
The given python code is used to analyse anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liquid-water clouds downwind of strong industrial point sources of air pollution using Terra... -
Geomorphology of the Järve coast (Saaremaa Island, Estonia)
This dataset supports an analysis of development shifts on the emerging Järve coast (Estonia) in Late Holocene (the Holocene epoch: past 11,700 years, 11.7 ka). The study area... -
Desirable writing group practices to build a sense of community to promote de...
Desirable writing group practices to build a sense of community to promote desirable feedback A writing group meeting gives students the opportunity to give and receive oral... -
Air pollution sources leading to anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liqu...
This dataset lists the air pollution sources leading to anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liquid-water clouds. The glaciation events were identified in Terra MODIS data. -
Appendix 1. Dataset with thematic mapping and codes for the article 'Unearthi...
This dataset contains a summary of the results of an online survey exploring the opinions of hobbyists and heritage professionals on the current state of metal detecting in... -
Eesti keele stoppsõnad / Estonian stop words
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Humanist Greek Texts from Finland
The dataset provides information about the Humanist Greek texts from Finland – mostly from the Royal Academy of Turku (1640–1827) but also containing some "New ancient Greek"... -
Uuema eesti ilukirjanduse mitmikute loendid
Alates 01.01.2017 jõustus autoriõiguse seaduse muudatus, mis võimaldab digitaalse objekti töötlemist teksti- ja andmekaeve eesmärkidel tingimusel, et selline kasutamine ei... -
Tallinna linna aruanne 1919 a. eest - TÜR ARH C-283 1919
MSI captures of faded mimeograph duplicates. Report of Tallinn City financial records from 1919. Mimeographically duplicated finance records. Unbound. In various levels of faded... -
Test 18: MSI capture of Missale – TÜR, F. 7, s. 33
MSI capture of Missale – TÜR, F. 7, s. 33, fragment. (f. 1) Sabb. sancto; (f. 2) Fer. IV–V infra Oct. Paschae. Matricula seu catalogus illorum, qui in Academia Dorpatensi cornua... -
Uurimisandmete kogumise, säilitamise ja kättesaadavaks tegemise hetkeseis Ees...
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Test 19: MSI capture of Diss.Tart.239007
MSI capture of thesis by Bernhard Jürgens ; Tartu Ülikool, bakterioloogia kabinet; 1926; Diss.Tart.239007, page 69. -
E-raamatute eeltöödeldud ja lemmatiseeritud failid
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Eesti Teadus 2016. Statistilised lähteandmed.
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Humanist Greek Texts from Sweden
The dataset provides information about Humanist Greek texts from Sweden and concerning Swedes from the 16th to the 21st century, displayed in the HUMGRAECA database... -
Environmental Politics Expert Survey
This dataset consists of data on the positions of political parties on various environmental scales in 25 European countries. The expert survey was administered between June and... -
Humanist Greek Texts from Estonia and Latvia
The dataset provides information about Humanist Greek texts from and connected to Estonia and Latvia (from the 16th to 21st century), displayed in the HUMGRAECA database...