Final Iron Age forts and settlement in Estonia
EST: Andmepakett sisaldab andmeid ja R-i skripte 11.-13. sajandi Eesti linnuste ja erinevate asustust mudeldavate ruumiandmestike (viljakad mullad, kirjalikest allikatest tuntud... -
Estonian wetland forest
Nitrous oxide observations from the soil, stems and ecosystem (eddy covariance), meteorological and soil chemical measurements in the Agali experimental forest, Estonia, 2017-2019 -
TABLE. Summary of HIV guideline development, Estonia. Supplementary material ...
Supplementary material to article Reinap M, et al. Strengthening guideline contextualization in the WHO European Region. Bull World Health Organ; 2024 (ID: BLT.24.291779)... -
Tartu Ülikooli liivi keele korpus
Tartu Ülikooli liivi keele korpus on liivi keele näiteid koondav elektrooniline andmekogu. Esindatud on nii idaliivi, lääneliivi kui ka Īra keelekasutus. Suurem osa korpusesse... -
16th–18th-century drinking vessels with diamond-point engraved decorations
Andmed koguti kasutades erinevaid avaldatud teoseid ja veebikogusid ning arheoloogilisi leide (Eesti, Soome, Läti). Eesmärgiks oli koostada andmestik 16.–18. sajandi façon de... -
Projekti EKKD119 andmestik: ERR-i raadioarhiivi kultuurisaadete süntaktiline ...
Andmed pärinevad Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu (ERR) raadioarhiivist, vahemikust 2003–2021. Need sisaldavad kõiki uudiseid, mille metaandmestik viitab kultuurivaldkonna... -
Antibodies against Clostridium butyricum in the children of mothers at risk f...
Clostridium butyricum T2F3 specific IgA and IgG antibody response detection using immunoblot. -
Graphene-mediated blister-based laser-induced forward transfer of thin and ul...
The dataset includes data from both the manuscript and the supplementary materials of the original paper, which shares the same title as this dataset. Blister-based... -
Vene emakeelega õppijate häälduskorpus
Projekti raames koguti erineva keeletaseme ja -taustaga eesti keele õppijatelt häälduskorpus. Salvestused korpuse jaoks tehti enne ja pärast hääldustreeningut ning... -
Andmed ja R-i kood artiklile "Kas moos ja buss seisavad endiselt? "seisma"-ve...
See andmekogu sisaldab kahe keeleteadusliku katse toorandmeid ja puhastatud andmeid, katsete tulemustel põhineb artikkel "Kas moos ja buss seisavad endiselt? "seisma"-verbi... -
EKKD115: Eesti mitmekeelse keelekeskkonna andmestik
Siin repositooriumis on projekti "Eesti mitmekeelse keelekeskkonna andmestik" raames kogutud tekstid ja link keelemaastike pildikaardile. 1) Eesti-inglise kakskeelsete... -
Dataset on Firm Innovation: Merging Enterprise Surveys, Cultural Dimensions, ...
This dataset is used in an academic paper investigating the influence of culture on firm innovation. The primary dataset is derived from the Enterprise Surveys (ES), a... -
Dataset 2. 16th-19th century glassworkers in Estonia
This dataset contains genealogical information about migrant glassworkers and their families as well as individuals closely related to the glassworks that operated in Estonia... -
Dataset 1. Archaeological glass finds from Estonia
The purpose of collecting this data was to obtain information about the consumption of glass in Estonia with the emphasis on consumption in Tallinn, Haapsalu, and Pärnu and its... -
Dataset 3. 17th-20th century glassworks in Estonia
This dataset includes 43 glass production sites from the 17th until the 20th century. The purpose of collecting this data was to collate and update the chronology of the... -
ISRD4 uuring Eestis
Rahvusvahelise uuringu ISRD Eesti 4. laine aruanne -
pKaH values and θH angles of phosphanes to predict their electronic and steri...
Phosphanes have numerous important uses and at the same time are an important class of organic bases with basicities spanning more than 30 orders of magnitude. In many cases,... -
ISRD4 Eesti andmestik
Rahvusvahelise noorte eneseraporteeritud hälbiva käitumise uuringu ISRD 4. laine Eesti andmestik (2023). -
Data of catalyzing oxygen reduction by morphologically engineered ZIF-derived...
This dataset contains the data presented in the figures of pulbished paper "Catalyzing oxygen reduction by morphologically engineered ZIF-derived carbon composite catalysts in... -
Baltoscandian Middle Ordovician brachiopod oxygen stable isotope trends: impl...
Our dataset contain brachiopod and bulk carbonate rock stable isotopic data for oxygen (O) and carbon (C) from the Middle Ordovician succession from northern Estonia region for...