Tool for the Experience-based Analysis (EbA) method
This dataset contains a preliminary tool that is created to use Experience-based Analysis (EbA) method. The EbA-tool includes a page with tutorial how to use the method and a... -
Parliamentary speech and media attention in Estonia, 2011-2019
This data set includes the data that was used for the models that are reported in the paper "A Place to Speak and be Heard? Parliamentary Speech and Media Attention in Estonia,... -
MetDect WP4: Dataset on the chemical composition of non-ferrous artefacts
This dataset contains information on the chemical composition of archaeological finds (pXRF data) from Estonia, obtained with the SPECTRO xSORT analyser in August 2022. All... -
Eesti taskuhäälingukorpus
Korpus koosneb eesti taskuhäälingusaadetest ja nende transkriptsioonidest. Korpuses on kokku 10 633 episoodi 184 erinevast taskuhäälingust, kogukestusega 10 918 tundi, mis on... -
Effect of Musical Expertise the Perception of Duration and Pitch in Language:...
This study adopts a cross-linguistic perspective and investigates how musical expertise affects the perception of duration and pitch in language. Native speakers of Chinese... -
Experience-based Analysis Method - the Evaluation data
The dataset contains the data that were created to evaluate the Experience-based Analysis (EbA) method. The data is being made public to act as supplementary data for the EbA... -
Estonian Teen Language Corpus
Estonian Teen Language Corpus (Eesti teismeliste keele korpus) is a corpus representing spoken and written language data, collected from Estonian teenagers (ages 9-18) between... -
Dataset on zooarchaeological records of Estonian medieval and early modern ma...
This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological mammal remains from 37 medieval and early modern sites in Estonia. The dataset consists of four... -
Kõnetempo ja -soravuse varieerumine eesti keeles (data)
Siin repositooriumis on kõnetempo ja -soravuse andmestikud ja nende analüüsiks kasutatud R kood, mida on kasutatud artiklis: Pärtel Lippus, Maarja-Liisa Pilvik, Kaidi Lõo, Liina... -
Main dataset of the MetDect project
This dataset contains data collected and organised at Tallinn University, as a part of the MetDect project ("Metal-detected past: a study of long-term developments in settlement... -
Faunal baseline data for E-Baltic hunter gatherers
This dataset gathers relevant bulk stable isotope values from the Stone Age sites at the Eastern Baltic to act as a baseline for the human values discussed in the article... -
Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu raadiosaadete korpus
Korpus koosneb ERR-i raadiosaadetest ja nende transkriptsioonidest. Korpuses on 53 000 raadiosaadet kogukestusega 16 tuhat tundi, mis on salvestatud vahemikus 1930–2022.... -
Eesti detektorileidude atlas ja detektorileidude ontoloogiate kaardistamine (...
Käesolev andmestik koosneb EDAO projekti tööpakketide 2 ja 3 aruandest ning esemeliikide skeemidest. Aruanne ja esemeliikide skeemid on seotud EKKD75 projektiga, mis sai... -
Archaeological and archaeothanatological overview of the individuals at Tamul...
This dataset represents the Tamula hunter-gatherer burials included in the article "Buried at home? Stable isotope analysis of the late hunter-gatherer cemetery population at... -
Stakeholder Discourse on DMA and DSA
The data set contains feedback from tech companies as well as other stakeholders that has been published during the legislative process of the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) and... -
Czechia: Bibliographical database of Czech journalism and media research rela...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Poland: Bibliographical database of Polish journalism and media research rela...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Dataset on the zooarchaeological records of oyster shells in Estonian archaeo...
This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological seafood remains. The dataset consists of 4 tables and 3 (5) photo folders. It is being made public... -
Dataset on zooarchaeological records of Estonian medieval and early modern fi...
There are several related pblications, see FISH BONES README This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological seafood remains. The dataset consists of... -
Appendix 1. List of the primary questions
The study was conducted in the spring of 2021 via the application Zoom. Item consisted of 12 questions and statements meant to provoke free associations to discuss a specific...